Centennial 赓 赓 赓 赓 赓 百 百 百 百 百 百 百 百 百 百

Author:Shiquan Weijian Time:2022.07.27

From the leaf flat boat in Jiaxing South Lake to the current towering giant wheel in China, the century -old party history is a history of revolution and struggle, as if the lighthouse guides us in the direction. Nowadays, in the face of a century -old change, the century -old party history is a spiritual gene of our majority of young cadres to forge ahead and create history. We should be a loyal tradition and a loyal style of a glorious tradition and a good style, and in the new era and the new journey, we will fight for the first time and build your careers.

Sincerely keep the original intention, bow, and young cadres chase "the light of dedication".

Only to win the hearts of the people, and sincerely live up to the people. The times are changing, society is developing, and in the spirituality of the Communists, the dedication spirit of "sister -in -law" is never outdated. At the century, countless revolutionary pioneers were engraved with the struggle for national independence and the liberation of the people, and wrote a song of countless Chinese children for the prosperity of the country's prosperity and the happiness of the people. Looking back at the extremely extraordinary 2020, in the face of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, countless Communists went to mission with their lives, protecting all beings with great love, and converging the tricks of tricks into majesty. Regardless of their age, regardless of their age, regardless of men and women, we see the heroic and fearlessness of "life and death of the country" on them, seeing the responsibility of "the rise and fall of the world, the husband is responsible" The blood of the same robe "is affectionate ... As a young cadre of the new era, we should use history as a mirror, keep the" road "of the dedication that the predecessors have passed in mind, internalize it, and always maintain absolute loyalty to the party , Realize, maintain, and develop the fundamental interests of the vast number of people.

Baldling the mission, wearing thorns, young cadres chasing "the light of innovation".

Innovation is the first driving force for development. Looking back at the magnificent journey of the blue stalks of the Communist Party of China for a century, it contains the spiritual password of the Chinese people's self -improvement and hard work. From the successful test explosion of the first atomic bomb 57 years ago, the Communist Party of China continued to pioneer in the development of self -reliance and independent innovation, and now in various fields of innovation and development, the vast number of science and technology workers across the country will be created on the night and hard work. "No. 10 tens of meters, Chang'e -5 exploration of the soil," 9 chapters "was born, stimulating the world -class national ambitions of the world ..." However, the reformers entered, but innovators were strong, but the innovatives wins. "Without the spirit of reform and innovation without daring to do, dare to do, and the first, we will not achieve today's development achievements. As a rushing person in the new era, young cadres should dare to take a dare to try, dare to be the first, be good at breaking the situation, and dare to visit the road that others have not traveled before they can harvest different scenery; New space. We must take out the hard work of "not breaking the building and the orchid", constantly explore new, pioneering innovation, grasp the laws of science, pump the cocoon, and seek breakthroughs with the spirit of nails, so that the innovative wisdom of innovation is fully released, innovative power is fully flowing, innovative practice of innovation practice Fully carried out, injecting a steady stream of motivation for social development.

Struggle, dedication, and dedication, young cadres chase the "light of struggle."

The 5,000 -year -old civilization of the Chinese nation is endless, relying on the "concentric and virtue of the heart and the time of overwhelming" by countless Chinese children. Time is not in love, and struggle is endless. Standing at the "two hundred years" historical intersection, looking forward to the future, the journey is long and the mission is glorious. The long river of time is endless, but those who work hard are extraordinary, but those who do it are brilliant, but the strugglers are heroic. Today, the new journey of the second century -old struggle has begun, and the new answer is waiting for us to write. The new monument is waiting for us to cast. The new answers and monuments require young cadres to take the lead in the courage of the strong men and the decision of Phoenix Nirvana to take the lead in promoting the style of truth, pragmatism, and hard work. The spirit of the generations of the generations of generations is not afraid of hardships, bravery, and acting, and strides a new journey with only a gesture of competing overnight.

The prosperity of the country and the prosperity of the nation are inseparable from the leadership of the revolutionary ancestors, and it is also inseparable from the support of the young generation. Each of us must be a rushing "post -wave", transform the "hard core" spirit of the century -old party history into a powerful force for the entrepreneur The relay stick inherits the fine tradition, rides the wind and waves, and chases the light.

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