The high temperature weather in the south continues to have strong rainfall process in the east and Huanghuai of North China in the southwest region and North China

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.27

China News Service, July 27. According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, from 8:00 on July 27th to 8:00 on the 28th, parts of the eastern part of Inner Mongolia, the eastern part of the Northwest, North China, Huanghuai, the central and western parts of Jianghan, and the eastern part of the Southwest There are heavy rain in the area. It is expected that during the day on July 27, most of the southern China and the northern and southern Xinjiang Basin of Xinjiang and the northern Tianshan Basin are still above 35 ° C.

Southern high temperature weather continues

In the next 10 days, most of the southern China will continue to continue high temperature weather, the strongest period is 27-28 days, of which, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan and other areas can reach 40 ° C or above; from 29th, Jiangnan and South China can high temperatures in high temperatures in South China and South China. The intensity will be reduced.

It is expected that during the day on July 27, most of the southern China and the northern and southern Xinjiang Basin of Xinjiang and the northern Tianshan Basin in Xinjiang still have high temperatures above 35 ° C. Among them, the highest temperatures in Jiangnan and South China, South Xinjiang Basin, Turpan and other places are 37 ° C at 37 ° C, which Above, the highest temperature in southwestern Zhejiang, central and southern Jiangxi, southeast Hunan, and southern Xinjiang Basin and Turpan can reach 40 ° C or more (see Figure 1). The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high -temperature orange warning at 06:00 on July 27.


There are strong rainfall processes in the east of the southwest and Huanghuai and other places in North China

From the 27th to 29th, there will be medium to heavy rain in the eastern part of the southwest, eastern part of the Northwest, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, North China, Huanghuai, and Northeast China. , Thunderbolt wind or hail and other strong convective weather.

In early August, the tropical disturbance of the South China Sea and the Northwest Pacific has become active. There may be a typhoon generating, which has a wind and rain impact on the sea area of ​​the southeast of my country.

Specific forecast in the next three days

From 08:00 on July 27th to 08:00 on the 28th, there are middle to heavy rain in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia, the eastern part of Inner Mongolia, the Northwest, North China, the western part of Huanghuai, the central and western parts of Jianghan, and the eastern part of the southwestern region. There are heavy rains in parts of the east, western Hubei and other places, and heavy rainstorms (100 ~ 200 mm). There are 4 to 5 winds in some areas in eastern Inner Mongolia (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 National precipitation forecast chart (July 27th to 08:00 at 08:00)

From 08:00 on July 28th to 08:00 on the 29th, the southeast of Inner Mongolia, the west and southeast of the Northeast, the eastern part of North China, the east of Huanghuai, the majority Among them, there are heavy rains in central and western Liaoning, central Shandong, northern Hunan, central Guizhou and other areas, and heavy rainstorms (100 ~ 110 mm) (see Figure 3).

Figure 3 National precipitation forecast chart (July 28th to 08:00 at 08:00)

From 08:00 on July 29th to 08:00 on the 30th, there are middle to heavy rain in the central and western regions of the Northeast, the eastern part of Huanghuai, the majority of Jianghuai, the majority of Jianghan, the southeast of the southwestern region, and the west of Guangxi. There are heavy rain (50-90 mm) in parts of Shandong Peninsula, southern Guizhou, northwestern Guangxi. There are 4 to 6 winds in Xinjiang along the Tianshan area and the eastern parts (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 National precipitation forecast map (July 29th to 08:00 on 30:00)

Source: China News Network

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