Jiangsu yesterday added a new native symptom infection.

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.27

At 0-24 on July 26, Jiangsu had no new local diagnosis cases, and 1 case of new local infections was added (Suzhou reported that it was a person from other provinces and cities to receive isolation medical management in designated hospitals).

2 cases of new overseas input inputs were added.1 new case of hospitalization (local), and 11 asymptomatic infections (all localities) were added to the discharge of isolation medical management.

The details of the newly added infection are released by the relevant districts and cities.

At present, there are 16 confirmed cases of quarantine treatment in designated hospitals (11 cases in the native and 5 cases of overseas inputs), and 60 cases of non -symptoms of non -symptoms of isolation medical management (46 cases in the homeland and 14 cases of overseas input).

(Source: CCTV News Client)

【Edit: Zhang Jing】

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