[Summer public security strike "100 -day action"] Public security organs in -depth investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in public areas

Author:Gansu Public Security Time:2022.07.27

[Summer public security strike "100 -day action"] Public security organs in -depth investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in public areas

Since the launch of the "Hundred Days of Action" in the summer public security strikes of public security organs across the country, in response to the problem of multiple safety incidents such as drowning in summer, the public security organs and water police departments of public security organs in various places have strengthened their responsibilities and took strong measures to continue to carry out in -depth in -depth public areas Investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, timely resolve a group of hidden dangers, and effectively maintain the safety of the people's lives.

According to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, public security organs in various places conduct a comprehensive retrospective analysis of drowning, cliffs, and tramples in recent years. Classification and detailed security protection measures. Through special actions and investigation and rectification work, a total of 129,000 places such as Linshui Linya Park Scenic Area, non -scenic spots, and ferry docks were inspected. In other ways, urge the implementation of responsibilities and rectify the time limit. Among them, Changhang Public Security Organs have effectively increased the dynamic patrol of the Yangtze River's dry line waters. Since this year, 89 people have been rescued. Chongqing public security organs have successfully rescued the unexpected water falling and being surrounded by Jiangshui by increasing measures and other measures such as increased life and rescue equipment. Anhui public security organs jointly carried out a one -year special operation of drowning with 10 departments such as civil affairs, water conservancy, and emergency. Fujian Public Security Organ organized the province to carry out a large -scale investigation of hidden safety hazards. Jiangxi Public Security Organs deployed a special operation of "Water Meijia'an -All NPC Droming". One, promote the establishment of more than 2,900 social patrol teams.

During the work, the public security and water police departments and Changhang public security organs in various places actively carried out water practical training, formulated and improved the emergency work plan, established a linkage response mechanism for the 110 alarm platform and the emergency command platform of the relevant departments to add water to key areas with more water in the beach. Rescue equipment such as lifeboats and life jackets will effectively improve the effectiveness of emergency response. Actively work together with emergency, education, cultural tourism and other departments to strengthen the on -site prompt prompts of Linhai, Linshui, Linshan, and Linya area. A total of more than 92,000 warning propaganda marks were added. We will carry out a wide range of safety education activities "entering the community, the campus, entering the scenic area, and the factory of the factory" to further improve the awareness of safety prevention and drowning life -saving knowledge of the majority of people, especially young people. Public security organs in Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong, Sichuan, and other places organize police officers as vice presidents of the legal system. "A letter" and other methods urged parents to fulfill their supervision responsibilities and jointly protect the safety of young students' lives.

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