Yichun Traffic Police directly under the three brigades of the Three Brigade of Yichun Traffic Police to fully carry out the "Hundred Days of Action" in summer rectification

Author:Kyushu News Time:2022.07.27

In order to solidly carry out the "100 -day action" of summer traffic safety rectification, effectively prevent and reduce road traffic accidents, and maintain road traffic safety situation continued to stabilize. The deployment requirements of "reduction and control", on July 26, continued to carry out key illegal rectification actions of motorcycles and electric bicycles within the area to ensure that the people travel safely in summer.

In response to the high incidence of traffic violations in the summer jurisdiction and the complexity of traffic safety, the traffic police department has deployed police forces scientifically, and multiple duty inspection points are set up in the jurisdiction. Illegal acts such as drunk drunk driving are concentrated in rectification, so that the streets, alleys, key places, and main sections are covered with full coverage. "".

In the rectification of road sections such as the power supply office, the intersection of the vitamin, the torii, the red and green lights, and the bridge, the police, while investigating and dealing with illegal acts, conducted on -site corrections and persuasion of those who did not wear helmets, and explained the harm of not wearing safety helmets and wearing safety helmets. The importance and security reminds the masses to consciously develop the consciousness of wearing a safety helmet and continuously improve the safety and legal awareness of drivers and passengers. The strict punishment of some drivers and drivers repeatedly taught, not to listen to dissuasions, and refuse to cooperate in accordance with the law, and strive to create an atmosphere of "strict correction, strict investigation, strict management" to ensure that traffic violations and hidden safety hazards have been effectively remedied.

According to statistics, a total of 12 police forces were dispatched in this operation. , Driving 1. (Cao Haibing Yi Jie)

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