Wucheng: Strive to build a park city. Pushing the window can see the green when you go out and enter the park

Author:Texas Daily Time:2022.07.27

As a business card for urban construction, the park plays an important role in increasing the vitality of urban vitality, improving the quality of life, and promoting social harmony.

In recent years, Wucheng County has focused on building park cities, and high -standard new street parks, pocket parks, theme parks, etc. Nowadays, citizens can enjoy beautiful scenery after pushing the window; walking at the door of the home, they can enjoy the happy life brought by the construction of urban parks.

The city is in the forest garden in the green

On July 20, Donna, who lives in Miti, Mito, Wucheng County, is taking the child to take a walk in the Qiuqiu Garden near the community. "Smelling the fragrance of flowers, walking under the tree -lined road, I feel involuntarily better." Donna said, "The park is built in front of the house, and I feel that the level of the community has improved."

Pushing the window to see the green and go out to enter the park is a true portrayal of the changes in the urban environment of Wucheng County. In 2018, Wenchang Lake Rose Theme Park was completed and opened; in 2019, Beizhou Lake Park was upgraded and renovated; in 2020, Shunhu Park was put into use; in 2021, children's beach park opened to citizens ... At the door of the citizen's house, the park green space not only made the city more beautiful, but also gave the citizens more happiness and gain.

With the improvement of living standards, citizens' high -quality requirements for urban living environment have gradually become highlighted. Wucheng County has a keen capture of this change. It takes the park's green space construction as an important part of serving the people's livelihood. It is included in the top ten key people's livelihood projects every year. The park has become a good place for citizens to leisure and entertainment.

At present, Wucheng County has built more than 20 places such as various urban tourism parks, sports parks, and pocket parks. The green area of ​​urban areas has reached 34%. Essence Wucheng County has been titled by provincial civilized cities and provincial garden cities.

One garden, one theme, one garden, one characteristic

During the summer vacation, the Children's Beach Park of Wucheng County became a happy world of children. Some of them piled up sand castles on the beach, and some played the slide together. "I didn't know where to take a child to play, and it was very troublesome to travel. Now there are beach parks in the county seat. There are all kinds of amusement facilities, and children are happy." Citizen Zhang Yunqing said.

Children's Beach Park is the music of children playing. The total area of ​​the park is 34,000 square meters. The overall landscape structure is one lake, cross -strait, four belts, and eight districts. There are more than 5,000 square meters of drama beaches, which can accommodate more than 600 people at the same time. "The soft Hais and sand have been refined by multiple processes, which are very clean and safe. At the same time, there are climbing nets and beach slides on the beach, which is in line with the characteristics of children's growth and fills the gap of the children's professional theme park in Wusheng County." Wucheng County Li Fei, deputy director of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, said.

In Wucheng, there are not only children's beach parks for children, but also sports parks that young people love. In July 2020, Jiangzhuanggou Binhe Ecological Sports Park was renovated as a professional sports park in Wucheng. The environment is elegant and unique. It is a green leisure corridor including ecological, leisure, sports, and culture. Jiangzhuanggou Binhe Ecological Sports Park is divided into three theme sports areas of the ring fitness trail and the three major sports areas of the youth sports area, the extreme sports and the children's game area, and the elderly activity area, so that citizens can enjoy the fun of outdoor sports.

Shunhu Park has a wide water surface and provides waterfront leisure; Sangyu Garden is rich in fitness equipment, allowing the elderly to enjoy the mulberry elm; the flowers and trees of the autumn garden are rich, suitable for autumn appreciation and fruit watching; pocket parks are matched with landscapes to facilitate citizens to facilitate citizens Better leisure ... Each park has its own characteristics, and residents in the surrounding communities can be leisure and entertainment as soon as they go out.

"In order to avoid homogeneous construction, we have created parks of different themes and different characteristics to meet the needs of different people and make the city more beautiful and more livable." Li Fei said.

Improve green quality and build a livable city

Walking in Wenchang Lake Park, the air is filled with the fragrance of rose flowers, and lotus and lotus leaves sway in the wind in the blue waves. It has become a good place for citizens to play in morning and holidays.

Wucheng County broke the original urban green pipeline mode, and continued to upgrade from the traditional single greening towards higher -level flowerization, beautification, and leisureization. During the upgrade process, planting various landscapes, flower trees, setting seats and sports and leisure facilities, supporting management rooms, toilets and lighting facilities, so that the original green platform becomes a sports and leisure park at the door of the people's house, making them really true Feel the improvement of quality of life. Taking Wenchang Lake Park as an example, more than 50 kinds of trees such as Shuotou, Bulin, Qiye Trees, and Hulk Tree have been planted. More than 70 variety of rose flowers have more than 100,000 species of rose flowers, becoming a "net red" park for citizens to check in.

As the most dynamic element in the garden landscape, the water scene is the finishing touch in the landscape. Wucheng County adheres to the concept of wetlandization, wetland parkization, and park sports and leisureization. It takes black and odorous water governance as a breakthrough, implements comprehensive water environmental treatment of water systems, and recycling of sewage regeneration water resources to achieve urban water system circulation. At present, the county's second sewage treatment plant has been completed and operated, and the quasi -four types of water rows are realized, which has become a water source of water supplementation in the wetland; all black and odorous water bodies in the urban area are eliminated. The vitality of the ecological water system is reproducible.

"Park cities are important carriers, scenes and mediums of ecological value to humanistic value, economic value, and life value conversion. Next, Wucheng County will actively explore a new model of urban park construction, accelerate the construction of a beautiful and livable city, and strive to ecological ecology.The advantage is transformed into a development momentum. "Wang Jianjun, the principals of the Based on Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of Wusheng County, said.Produced by Dezhou Daily New Media

Correspondent | Li Shuran Xin Jianyou

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