Pingtang Guangming Village: 100 acres of vegetables for "fresh" listing

Author:Yunqiannan Time:2022.07.27

In summer, fruits and vegetables are fragrant. More than 100 acres of vegetables such as bean, cucumber, eggplant, pepper and other more than 100 acres of vegetables such as the bean horn, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, etc., which are in high yield periods, have richer the citizens' "vegetable baskets".

Entering the vegetable planting base of Guangming Village, Kudu Town, looking at the lush at a glance, fresh vegetables such as cucumber, bean horns, pepper and other fresh vegetables are green and extraordinarily attractive. After picking these vegetables, the acquirers are purchased directly by the acquirer or sent to the county seat for wholesale and sale.

Vegetables for "fresh" listing, not only the "money bags" of the masses, but also enriched the citizens' "vegetable baskets". It is estimated that the output of Vegetable Base in Guangming Village will reach 10 tons this year, with an output value of 300,000 yuan.

The small "vegetable basket" is equipped with "big people's livelihood". Last year, Kudu Town introduced Guizhou Qianxin tea industry development Co., Ltd. to plant more than 3,500 acres of tea in Kudu Town. This year, the company used tea to grow more than 100 acres of vegetables after planting tea. The masses provide employment.

Yang Peilan, the masses of migrant workers, told reporters: "We all come to work with the boss, pick cucumbers, pick beans, and we also have salary income."

"There are more than a dozen (workers) every day in picking, weeding, fertilization, packaging, etc. Since the planting of our farms, more than 30 households in surrounding farmers have been driven." Said.

According to Yang Guangsong, in addition to planting vegetables, the company will also plant more than 100 acres of fine fruits such as fruit kiwi, soft jujube kiwi, August Gua, to enrich the masses "vegetable baskets" and "fruit plates", helping more people to employment nearby, promote the industry Promoting, helping the countryside to revitalize.

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