Students from Mianyang City College won eight awards in the National College Student Surveying and Mapping Skills Competition in 2022

Author:Affects Sichuan Time:2022.07.27

Recently, the finals of the "2022 National College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Intelligence Contest" finals organized by the Education Working Committee of the China Surveying and Mapping Society, co -organized by Guangzhou Southern Surveying and Mapping Technology Co., Ltd. and organized by Anhui University. Students from Mianyang City College won one of the prizes, first prizes, and 4 second prizes in the three events of virtual simulation digital measurement, drone aviation test virtual simulation and surveying and mapping program design. Professional training requirements.

It is understood that starting in early May, more than 4,500 people from 243 undergraduate universities across the country participated in the competition, including 762 groups participating in virtual simulation digital measurements, 251 groups participating in surveying and mapping sequences, and participating in drone aviation test virtual simulation 708 groups. Essence In order to actively prepare for the war, the school's strength is fully demonstrated. The school's School of Construction and Engineering has selected 10 groups from 50 groups to participate in the competition from 50 groups.

With the strong support of the leaders of the school and the college, the participating teachers and students have carefully prepared the competition and fiercely competing, and they calmly responded in the competition on July 20th, strictly abide by the competition rules, clear division of labor, carefully estimated, and rely on solid professional foundations, excellent excessive exceptions The operation ability and on -the -spot strain ability finally achieved excellent results. The results of the competition were announced on the evening of July 22. The school's students won the awards in the four groups in the virtual simulation digital measurement competition, and won the award in 4 groups in the drone aviation test virtual simulation competition.

By participating in discipline competitions such as the National College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Intelligence Competition Intelligence Competition, the students' practical ability and professional knowledge mastery of students were tested. Based on the virtual simulation platform, cultivate students' digital maps, drones aviation testing and surveying and mapping programming capabilities, strengthen professional practical skills, cultivate scientific innovation awareness, and further improve the comprehensive ability of students to solve the actual problems of surveying and mapping engineering. Essence (Cui Zhijun)

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