Glutiny sells 24 provinces in the country -Liuqiao Village, Huaiyang District, Huaiyang District, Zhoukou City

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.07.27

Zhoukou Daily · Zhou Dao client reporter Hou Junyu text/picture

With the prosperity of the industry, the rural revitalization has the foundation and confidence. This is better confirmed in Liuqiao Administrative Village, Wangdian Township, Huaiyang District, Zhoukou City.

The products from the gluten processing plant running from the "Poverty Alleviation Workshop" moved to 24 provinces across the country, and the income of over million yuan of migrant income rushed the villagers' money bags; the benefits brought by the sunny greenhouse and photovoltaic power generation projects, allowing the village collective economy Increase increased sharply. The "two committees" of the village use the collective economy to actively improve the living environment and carry out public welfare activities, so that this famous difficult village that year is full of vitality and vitality.

Huaiyang in the midsummer season is full of grass and trees everywhere. About two kilometers from the south of the countryside along the south of the city, approaching the northern part of Liuqiao's administrative village, a processing plant appeared in front of the reporter. "This factory building in more than four acres is Liuqiao Village's" Poverty Alleviation Workshop ", which is processing gluten." "Can you eat barbecue and hot pot gluten?" "Yes." A question.

Entering this yard, he met two middle -aged men, one was Wei Daoxuan, the secretary of the village party branch, and the other was Wang Zheng, the head of the food factory.

"Our food factory entered Liuqiao Village in July 2020, and now produces about 800 boxes of gluten every day." Wang Zheng said.

Workers are wearing gluten

Wang Zheng is a native of Fengtang Township, Huaiyang. He has been doing bathrooms and decoration in Changsha, Hunan more than ten years ago. Occasionally, he chatted with a friend who was doing food business and learned that the ingredient market was good. After that, he asked two friends to discuss and quasion the gluten production projects for the pretty dining market. Just do it. In seven or eight years, due to the guarantee of product quality, the gluten of production is very popular.

As the business is getting bigger and bigger, the scale of product production has become a top priority. In the first half of 2020, Wang Zhengsi finally decided to return to his hometown to produce gluten. "This can not only go home to visit his parents often, but also help his hometown father and folks to get rich together." In July of the same year, a number of new production equipment he ordered to officially entered Liuqiao Village's "Poverty Alleviation Workshop".

Entering the workshop, a semi -automatic production line is running, and it is completed in order to complete the process of combining noodles, wake -up, cutting sections, cooking, cooled, cutting flowers, strings, quick freezing, packaging, and warehouses. The funnel -shaped and noodle machine roar with a diameter of nearly two meters, waking noodles, cut sections, cooking, cooling, cutting flowers ... The one -stop production line is busy in an orderly manner.

Workers show bag

After completing the production process of these machines, the batch gluten produced was sent to the string working platform on the east side of the workshop. Fifty or sixty workers were skilled in wearing gluten with a bamboo stick. Cai Yanyan from nearby Chunwang Village and Li Xiuqin sitting opposite are both mother -in -law and daughter -in -law. They can wear more than 30 (500) bamboo sticks and 15,000 skewers. Wear a (500) bamboo sticks, you can earn 6 yuan. The two earned about 200 yuan a day and could get more than 5,000 yuan a month. "While making money at the door of the house, it is mainly possible to pick up children to school. President Wang also provides you with two meals in the morning and noon for free to take care of us." Cai Yanyan's smile was full of satisfaction of life.

A plate of gluten worn by the workers was concentrated to the quick -frozen production line at minus 30 ° C to the north side of the workshop. After 10 minutes, a plate of plate gluten at minus 10 ° C was packed in a packaging bag and put it in the box. Then It was transported to a cold storage of minus 20 ° C.

"The workshop produces about 800 boxes per day, produces more than 20,000 boxes a month, sales of more than 1.5 million yuan, and the sales will be nearly 18 million yuan a year." Wang Zheng said that at the beginning, the seven or eight salespersons of their factory were mainly contacted by the factory. Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang in the northeast, and barbecue and hotpot ingredients in Lanzhou, Chengdu and other places in Gansu, Gansu, hotpot ingredients.

The production line in the workshop is running

After seeing the hot sales of e -commerce, Wang Zheng met with a friend's introduction and met an e -commerce sales trader as a sales manager, mainly to connect with some large domestic sales platforms. Later, after market publicity and promotion, in addition to the previous old customers, orders from provinces from Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces also came. At present, their gluten has been sold to the ingredients markets in 24 provinces across the country.

"These trucks are about to send to Yunnan, Guizhou and other places." After walking out of the production workshop, Wang Zheng pointed at several refrigerated box trucks parked in front of the cold storage door.

Speaking of future plans, Wang Zheng said that he was preparing to use the open space on the east side of the workshop to create a new production line to produce a kind of quick -frozen noodles called noodle fish, similar to fast -food foods such as instant noodles and stew noodles. Next, he must also use the advantages of local agricultural product resources to develop and produce quick -frozen ingredients such as corn grains, carrots, peas, and take the existing online and offline sales networks to allow Huaiyang to go to the country with more deep -processed agricultural products.

After listening to several rural cadres at the scene, they encouraged Wang Zheng, and said that there were any difficulties to help solve it, and strive to let the products be available as soon as possible.

Wei Daoxuan said that in the administrative village of Liuqiao, Wang Zheng used the business of food factories in the "Poverty Alleviation Workshop" of their village. While increasing the income of more than one million yuan in villagers, they also paid the lease fee of 40,000 yuan in the poverty alleviation workshop; The annual power generation of the country's aid is 280 kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation and the three -day light greenhouse project covers an area of ​​11 acres. The village income is nearly 200,000 yuan. In addition, there is also a annual dividend of 50,000 yuan in funding support projects of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. These industries and capital dividend projects make the village collective economy income of nearly 300,000 yuan. Most of these funds in Liuqiao Village each year are used in the renovation of the living environment, such as paying wages to public welfare positions, etc., and also carried out "good daughter -in -law", "good mother -in -law", "rich and capable and capable" and other new wind public welfare activities.

The streets of Liuqiao Village surrounded by green trees are clean and orderly. The pits after rectification are clear. The rows of newly rowsing two -story farmhouse courtyards look peaceful and quiet under the shining of the sun.

In the evening, the street lights spreading all over the streets of Liuqiao Village are bright. A group of children holding windmill running running on the clean streets facing the wind, the giggle laughter was loud.

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