Insurance sales behavior will usher in a unified regulatory requirements

Author:Yanzhao Metropolis Daily Time:2022.07.27

On July 19, the official website of the China Banking Regulatory Commission reported that in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the insured, the insured, and the beneficiary, regulating insurance sales behavior, uniform insurance sales behavior supervision requirements, the Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission drafted the "insurance sales management measures (soliciting opinions for opinions "Draft)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrative Measures"), publicly soliciting opinions for the society, and the deadline for feedback from the opinions is August 19.

The "Administrative Measures" total 6 chapters and 49 articles, including general rules, pre -sales behavior management, behavioral management in insurance sales, management, supervision and management, and attachment. Specifically, the "Administrative Measures" include detailed rules such as prohibiting forcibly selling and default selection, prohibiting hype sales and price changes.

Establish products and personnel grades before sale

In the management of pre -sales behavior, the "Administrative Measures" proposes to establish a product grading system. According to standards such as the complexity of the product's structure, the level of premium burden, and the risk of the policy interest, the institution's insurance products are classified.

At the same time, insurance companies and insurance intermediaries shall establish a standardized management system for the insurance sales capacity of the institution. According to the standards, sales capabilities, integrity levels, and characteristics of insurance sales staff, they will classify the insurance sales staff and other insurance sales staff, and they are with insurance. The company's insurance product hierarchical management system is connected, and the qualifications of sales capacity are authorized to implement differential authorization, and it is clear that insurance products that all levels of insurance sales personnel can be sold can be clarified.

Forbidden speculation to suspend sales and price changes

The "Administrative Measures" stipulates that if the insurance company plans to suspend the sale of an insurance product or adjust the price of a certain insurance product, it shall make a decision to suspend or adjust the price within 10 working days, and issue it to the society on the official website and business venues to the society within 10 working days. Announcement, except that the insurance company adjusts the price in the floating range of the approval or filing rate. The announcement of the announcement should include information such as the insurance product name of the suspension or adjustment of the price, the start time point of the suspension or the start of the price adjustment.

In terms of personal marketing propaganda, insurance sales staff shall not issue insurance sales publicity information without authorization. The "Administrative Measures" stipulates that before the insurance company issues a suspension or adjustment price for a certain insurance product, insurance sales staff shall not declare to others in insurance sales that a certain insurance product is about to suspend or adjust the price.

Forbidden for coercive delivery, you must not sign on behalf of

In terms of behavior management in insurance sales, the "Administrative Measures" proposes to prohibit mandatory delivery and default selection. Insurance companies, insurance intermediaries and their insurance sales staff shall not use the forced service, information system or web page default check -to -check to establish insurance contracts with the insurer.

In terms of the confirmation of the insured, insurance companies and insurance intermediaries shall be required to sign or confirm the insured statement, risk prompts, insured prompts, exempt or reduce insurance in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory systems. Documents such as the clause of the person's liability, or the relevant documents that meet the regulatory regulations. Those who sell insurance through telephone can confirm the willingness to insure the insured by signing the insurance policy or telephone recording. If insurance sales are carried out through the Internet, the insured will be confirmed through the Internet insurance sales behavior and complies with the relevant provisions of the CBRC.

The "Administrative Measures" also proposes that insured documents should be signed or stamped by the insured person or the written entrusted personnel entrusted. Insurance sales staff shall not replace the parties to insurance business activities to sign the document materials of the insurance contract.

In terms of insurance after sales, the "Administrative Measures" prohibit improper proxy surrender. No institutions, organizations or individuals may take the initiative to carry out business activities such as consulting business consultation and agency to the insurer, misleading the insured to surrender and disturb the market order.

(Yanzhao Metropolis Daily Overview Journalist Li Hongbo)

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