[I do practical things for the masses] Lianyungang Municipal Women's Federation: "Four in one" guardian guardian

Author:Jiangsu Women's Federation Time:2022.07.27

Recently, Mr. Wu, who was in the "Harmony" marriage and family guidance service project of Lianyungang City Women's Federation, came to the Haizhou District Court's "Hehe Family" family case mediation center to propose a couple who proposed a divorce due to inconsistent family education concepts and other reasons. Mediation, and the family education instructor on the spot, eventually the couple solved the occasion. This is the modeling model of the "four -in -one" and the work model of the "four -in -one" women's federation, and strengthen the lively work of family building.

In order to protect the family's peace and promote social harmony, the Lianyungang Women's Federation has always actively explored the innovative and pragmatic working model of the department's linkage, gives full play to the "soft" working method of the Women's Federation in family work, combined with the "Gang" legal practice of the legal inspection system, and launched the launch Based on family education content embedded, multi -dimensional positions, brand groups, and mechanism guarantee, family building is based on the "four -in -one" Rougang and Jihui working model. This is also the specific work practice of the Lianyungang Women's Federation to implement family education to promote the "one law and one regulations".

Embedded family education adhesion work content

According to statistics, the cause of the majority of minors is related to the lack of family education, the unscientific family education, and some families have broken the relationship between husband and wife due to inconsistent educational concepts. Based on this, Lianyungang Municipal Women's Federation gives full play to the advantages of the Women's Federation's "Federation" to form a team of family education instructor teams involved in the family. Counseling, actively promote the integration of family education into the practice of legal inspection, realize the entire process of family education embedded and trial, and strive to use the "mother -in -law" warmth and flexible working method of the Women's Federation. In the scope of the law The road of harmony, Rougang guarded his family peace and peace. Earlier this year, the Lianyungang Municipal Women's Federation and United City Court issued the first prefecture -level city in the province's "Order to accept family education guidance orders", ordered two cases of guardians to go to the Lianyungang Intermediate People's Court for family education guidance.

Multi -dimensional position construction construction platform

The Lianyungang Women's Federation and the French Inspection System established a multi -dimensional work platform through linking the offline physical positions and online network positions, and established a group of family education guidance positions in the city's legal inspection system to jointly promote the problem of family education in judicial work.

Relying on the Lianyungang Youth Rule of Law Education Practice Base, Lianyungang Municipal Women's Federation and the Lianyungang Family Education Guidance Center with the Court of Court of Court of Court. In addition to carrying out the publicity of law general publicity for young people, the base also uses it as an important position in the minor family education involved in the case. The Haizhou District Court, Women's Federation and other joint construction of the "Hehe House" family case mediation center has successfully adjusted nearly 400 family cases.

The Lianyungang City Procuratorate and the Women's Federation jointly build a "Star Light" home inspection agency work platform to embed the content of family education in the procuratorial work to promote the forces of all parties to maintain family health together. The "Hong Ping Studio" located in the procuratorate of Ganyu District is named after the regional women's federation executive and prosecutor Yang Hongping. In work positions, they educate 262 minors involved in sin, and 46 children who care for stays and dilemma.

Lianyungang United City Court, Municipal Procuratorate and other departments opened the "Lian Sister" statement in the WeChat public account column to launch the "Lian Sister" saying video number, focusing on marriage and family, children's education, minor protection, etc. content.

Brand groups affect the impact of deepening work

The Lianyungang Women's Federation implements the "Lianli Kazuke" series of brands. It focuses on pain points and deep link resources through the form of brand group groups to form a joint effort to help the family problem solving with greater efforts and deeper levels. Launched the three sub -brands of "Hejiahe Beauty", "Harmony", and "Hammer Hammer", and focused on the difficulty and fields of the difficulty in the current family construction. "Hejiahemei" pays attention to family education involved in the case. By introducing scientific family education concepts, it is promoted to integrate family education into the judicial protection system of minors and allow families to achieve beauty. "Harmony" focuses on resolving the contradictions between marriage and family, and the Fourth -level Women's Federation will jointly carry out various types of marriage and family contradictions and disputes in various types of marriage and family conflicts to help the family's harmonious society stability. "Hejia Kang" helps help families with poverty alleviation, give full play to the advantages of the Women's Federation, and has helped more than 200 families in poverty alleviation through special actions and departmental linkage.

Construction of mechanism systems to ensure long -term work

The Lianyungang Women's Federation and the Municipal Court and the Municipal Procuratorate established a regular joint work system to discuss regularly for women and minors. The degree of legal effect and social effects are unified. Cooperate establishment of grass -roots marriage and family contradictions and disputes to prevent and resolve the integration mechanism, deepen the "five -member linkage network", which is a "five -member interpretation network", which is a "five -member interpretation network", which is a "five -member interpretation network", which is a "five -member interpretation network". Former mediation room and the "Mother's Family" mediation room platform linkage role, provide marriage guidance, family persuasion and psychological guidance services for targetedness.

Source: Provincial Women's Federation New Media Center

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