Pack!Huizhou Zhongkai Public Security launched a unified operation of summer night public security inspections

Author:Huizhou Public Security Time:2022.07.27

According to the deployment of the higher -level public security organs, from July 22 to 24, the Zhongkai High -tech Zone Public Security Branch organized a unified operation of summer night public security inspections and presence, and the police participated in the war, advanced at full speed, and touched the full speed. During the operation, more than 460 police forces were dispatched, focusing on more than 140 entertainment venues, more than 1,030 vehicles, more than 1,500 inspectors, and set up 10 night patrols in the central area of ​​the area to conduct night inspections and organized multiple public security to organize multiple public security The inspection station has a card check, rectifying more than 40 safety hazards of various types, and arrested 11 current illegal criminals, 4 those who fled, distributed more than 3,000 propaganda materials to effectively enhance the control and deterrence of social pipelines.

The Zhongkai Branch established an action leadership group to supervise and inspect the site at night, fully combine the public security situation in the jurisdiction, study the specific implementation plan of refined action, clarify the responsibility and regulations, compact work responsibilities, and comprehensively improve the efficiency of work. Focus on strengthening the inspection and patrols of complicated security parts such as commercial squares, entertainment venues, supper restaurants, and intensive places at night personnel, and comprehensively carry out concentrated unified operations of social and summer public security inspections.

At the same time, the publicity of safety knowledge such as combating electrical fraud, pension fraud, drowning, and rejection of poisoning, through extensive and in -depth publicity, improve the masses' consciousness and self -protection awareness.

Zhongkai Public Security will implement all measures in all aspects of fighting, defense, management, and control, continue to promote the "100 -day action" to carry out in -depth development, strive to create a "sense of security" that the masses can see, and fully guard the safety of Zhongkai citizens!

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