Well -known beauty brands suddenly announced: All closed!Many people have used it!

Author:Shenyang Evening News Time:2022.07.27

Emergency notice: From April 1st, Shenyang Metro has major adjustments!

On July 26, it is reported that the beauty brand Meibian will close all offline stores in China.

Meibian customer service said that the notification was indeed received, and the brand's offline counters will be closed one after another. Consumers can temporarily go to Watsons to buy Mediolian products, but they are not so complete, and online types are complete than offline.

Meibian customer service did not disclose the reason why the offline counter was closed. For the subsequent online stores, Merbian Customer Service said it was uncertain. Offline will only retain the Watsons counter, and the remaining sales channels will be transferred to online.

It has a history of 105 years since its establishment. In 1995, Meibian landed on the Chinese market, but was acquired by L'Oreal the following year. Soon, Merboline was promoted to China's best -selling makeup brand.

The tide rises again. In May 2018, the Internet exposed Meibian has evacuated the supermarket hypermarket channels one after another. It began to withdraw the cabinet China Department Store in 2020. In response, Meibian China said that it is based on meeting consumer needs. With the rise of domestic makeup brands, Merboline's market share has also reduced.

In January 2020, in 2020, the world's most worth 500 major brands was released, and Merboline ranked 500th.

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Source: Xin Huanghe Client

Edit: Takashan Responsible: Yan Jiwei Gao Wei

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