US media: 21 J -6W anti -radiation drones of the PLA appear on the coast!"Strictly wait" Perosi

Author:Military and military talk Time:2022.07.27

In a few days, in August, Perosi completely abandoned the operation of visiting Taiwan Island, or continued to surge in the world and would not force visit. It is estimated that it would be known in these days. Faced with Plussey's behavior, not only did the Ministry of Foreign Affairs conduct a warning publicly, saying that "strictly wait." Moreover, the Ministry of National Defense rarely made a statement, saying that the Chinese army would never sit at the sight of Pelosi's visit.

At this time, "Planetary Lab", a well -known foreign business satellite company, released satellite photos of a military airport in the southeast coast of China. In the business satellite photos released, not only the heavy fighter such as the J-11, but also the 21 J-6 fighters were also found. After comparing the photos released by the "Planet Lab" this time with the "Planet Lab" with the satellite photos in the area in the past few years, they believe that these 21 J-6 fighters are actually J-6W drones. Not only can it be responsible for penetrating missions, but also to perform anti -radiation combat missions, suppress various long -range warning radars and air defense missile positions.

There are 21 F-6W anti-radiation drones on the runway

Prior to this, the J-6W drone was also publicly debuted. At that time, a blue electric anti-pod was also mounted under the J-6W drone wing. It proves that it not only has a strong anti -radiation combat capability, but also has the ability to fight under complex electromagnetic conditions. Even when necessary, it can be used as an electronic fighter.

Although many main military fans are not very optimistic about the strength of the Taiwan army, in fact, after decades of armed forces, the current air defense missile density of the Taiwan Army is very high. Israel can rank second in the world. Among them, there are nine companies in the "Patriot" air defense missiles, which are mainly deployed in three regions of Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung. Some "Patriot" missiles will use mobile operations to use the PLA's actual operations to fight at any time.

Considering that the number of "Patriot" air defense missiles is insufficient, with the gradually mature "Tiangong Type" air defense missile produced by Taiwan Province, the Taiwan Army plans to purchase 12 companies as an effective supplement to the "Patriot" air defense missile. These two air defense missiles are currently the most powerful air defense missiles in the Taiwan army. At the same time, considering that the number of fighters owned by the PLA far exceeds the Taiwan Air Force, the Taiwan Army is still equipped with the "Hawk" series of air defense missiles that have shown a lot of performance. Although the threat to our army fighters is not great, the helicopter of our military aircraft troops is not small.

In addition to air defense missiles, the Taiwan army also equipped a large number of early warning radar systems. In addition to the "paving claws" remote warning radar that is familiar with mainland military fans, the Taiwan Army also deployed 78 radar stations on the side of the eastward, Matsu, Kinmen Plastic Islands and the west side of Taiwan Island. These radar stations also moved to our army. Some interference was generated.

The J-6W anti-radiation drone is an effective weapon to pull out the radar and air defense missiles of the Temple Army.

The unmanned transformation of the J-6 fighter jets began very early. While the J-6 series fighters began to retire on a scale, our army had already produced the corresponding results. Of course, the J-6 drone of our army is also continuously improved and developed. The current J-6W anti-radiation drone should be one of the latest models of the J-6 series drone.

The J-6W anti-radiation drone and the large number of anti-radiation ammunition equipment equipped with our army, such as the "Eagle-91" anti-radiation missile, are mainly responsible for suppressing the radar station and air defense missile system of the Taiwan troops. From the perspective of the suppression effect of the Chinese-Russian KH-31 anti-radiation missiles of the Chinese and Russian KH-31 anti-radiation missiles, anti-radiation operations have become one of the important tasks of the modern air force.

"Hawk" air defense missile

However, the number of air defense missiles of the Taiwan army is too large, especially a large number of old-fashioned air defense missiles is not high. It is destroyed with the "Eagle Strike-91" anti-radiation missile, which seems to be a little "bull knife killing chickens". However, the old Taiwanese-style air-style air defense missile itself did have huge threats. At this time, the J-6W anti-radiation drone came in handy.

"Eagle Strike-91"

Judging from the satellite photos released by the "Planet Lab" at this time, the J-6W anti-radiation drone is deployed in the same airport as the J-11 fighter aircraft, which proves that the J-6W anti-radiation drone is inside the fuselage. Filled a lot of intense explosives for combat, but the usual safety is still good. Under the control of the flight control software and ground operators, it can be able to take off and land normally like someone driving a fighter, and the reuse rate is high.

Repeated recycling

In addition, as a retired equipment, the overall modification cost and use cost of the J-6W anti-radiation drone are very low. After taking off from the airport on the southeast coast, the J-6W anti-radiation drone in the form of formation can directly embrace the air defense missile positions and radar stations of the Taiwan army. This "saturated attack" can effectively hit the station. After the army's air defense system, after confirming that the Taiwan army's target is destroyed, the remaining J-6W anti-radiation drone can be shifted to attack the next Taiwan troops under the control of the airborne flight control system, or return to the airport to wait for Execute the next task.

Of course, the combat goal of the J-6W anti-radiation drone is not limited to the air defense system of the Taiwan army. Naval Aviation's "Eagle Strike-91" anti-radiation missile has the ability to attack the US "Aegis" warship. The possible U.S. military ground targets and maritime targets launched various "suicide attacks", and they hit the U.S. military. Hanging the auxiliary fuel tank can increase the range

Under this attack, the most psychological stress estimate is the Taiwan army. Because for the Taiwan army, the general missiles are faster and smaller, and the surviving soldiers do not know what happened after being attacked in most cases. However, the J-6W anti-radiation drone is different. When you see a fighter hitting him at the supersonic speed, he will directly defeat the psychological defense of most Taiwanese soldiers.

In the Russian -Ukraine military conflict, a major issue exposed by the Russian army is that the precision missile is insufficient. The J-6 fighter aircraft retired and met with modification conditions has thousands of. For our army, this is thousands of large-volume anti-radiation missiles with recycling functions and reusable use. In this way, we can use some more precious precision missiles to deal with some more valuable goals.

J-7 drone

What's more interesting is that in addition to the founding of the J-6W anti-radiation drone and the J-11 fighter aircraft at the Air Force Base, 6 J-7 drones have been found. China’s current naval. -7 fighter jets have basically transferred to the second -line troops. Therefore, the US media believes that the six J-7 drones are actually like the J-6W anti-radiation drone, and they have been converted into the J-7 anti-radiation drone, so they will be with the F-11 fighter. Deploy at the front -line combat airport.

21 F-6W anti-radiation drones and 6 J-7-anti-radiation drones appear at the front-line front-line airport, which is enough to prove that our "strict arranging" is not empty. If Pelosi insists on visiting Taiwan Island, then The People's Liberation Army will never sit down.

Of course, it is not just Pelosi to visit Taiwan Island. If the U.S. military really ignores Chinese warns, it will not give up the fantasy of the issue of the Taiwan Strait. Then the J-6 drone and the J-7 drone will also give the U.S. forces who dare to come to the crime.

Picture source network, invading deletion.

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