Zhejiang's "most beautiful taxpayer" is them!

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.27

Zhejiang News Client reporter Xia Dan correspondent Wu Hongyan

On July 27, the second Zhejiang Provincial Taxation Bureau of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Taxation Bureau of the State Taxation Bureau of Zhejiang Province was held in Hangzhou. The press conference publicly released the advanced deeds of the second Zhejiang Province "the most beautiful taxpayer".

Shan Yun, Qian Yun Pan, Zhou Lan, Xu Zhuobin, Wang Aiqin, Liu Yanping, Xiang Guoqing, Rong Peijun, Wang Yingmin, Mao Yunbao, Zhang Wei and other 11 individuals, the "Thunder Poor" audit team and other teams were gloriously selected as the "most American tax people". Fang Jianhua, Wang Jian, Zhang Xue and other three were nominated.

Among them, some of them have been written as the "tax month" with one inch of danxin for thirty years, and they have said that they are the most beautiful family style;

Some military brigades return to the countryside and become the "good branches" in the mouths of the folks; some soft shoulders are the "multi -faceted hands" with exquisite business;

Some pioneered the "parental agricultural online" platform to crack 100,000 plum farmers' invoices and help common prosperity;

Some take the initiative to handle the insurance payment business for the people in the remote mountainous areas to ensure that the people participating in the insurance are "no less";

Some have worked hard and grown into work "Pepsi", and running out of the youth "acceleration" of the people who benefit the enterprise;

Some retirement does not fade, lead the formation of public welfare and relatives and volunteers, successfully helping 64 disappeared families reunited;

Some have been cultivating the island for 27 years, and established a good reputation of "intimate service, poverty alleviation, and leading the team";

Some of them are full of red hearts, and they have entered Tibet twice in three years.

Some bravely carrying heavy burdens and hard work are the "tough guys" on the anti -tax avoidance front, and it is also the "pioneer" for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta;

Some are the "tide" of reform, and launch a series of efficient and convenient and refined service measures;

Some wisdom and bravery and repeated iron cases have been held, and the national tax security and social fairness and justice are firmly defended ...

The press conference, through the four chapters of "Loyalty to the Party", "True Love for the People", "Early Hearts", "Struggle Innovation", in the form of character promotion, video exhibition, on -site interviews, remote connection, etc., "the most beautiful taxpayer" His posts and dedication, and the touching deeds that you are looking forward to and developing to the masses have triggered a strong resonance of the audience at the scene.

It is reported that the Zhejiang Provincial Taxation Bureau iterated the implementation of the "six major projects", and continued to compose the "good grasp of party affairs, do good taxes, and bring a team" for a forge of the first time. Satisfaction is the best in the country, and the "most beautiful" spirit has been integrated into the journey of hard work. It has learned "the most beautiful", discovered "the most beautiful", and strives for "the most beautiful" in Zhejiang's tax system.

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