The strength of strength!Tongji students won this big prize, praised!

Author:Tongji University Time:2022.07.27

At the 41st China Control Conference (CCC2022), the 41st China Control Conference (The 41th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2022), which was closed today (July 27), the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, the School of Control and Engineering of the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, the School of Electronics and Information Engineering Xiao Yu and Lu Ziliang and the mentor Dong Yi cooperated with the mentor Dong Yi. The paper "A Unified Approach for Safety Critical Control Propm Via Output Regulation Theory and Barrier Function" won the 28th "Guan Zhao Award". The "Guan Zhao Direct Award" selects 1-2 thesis awards from all the submission of the China Control Conference every year. It is one of the highest level youth academic awards in the theoretical world in my country. This is the first time that I have won this award by Tongji University's graduate students.

Researcher Dong Yi said that Tongji students won this important award at the top conference in the control field. The crystallization of cross -cooperation in the center. The Science Center introduced a group of well -known scholars at home and abroad, formed first -class research forces, and produced a number of influential innovation results in intelligent perception, intelligent chip, single development, and multi -physical collaboration. In the future, the team will rely on the cross -platform of the Telecommunications Academy and the Center for Science to continue to promote the scientific research of multi -disciplinary integration, deepen the training of talent integration of talents, facing the forefront of science and technology and major national needs, and social development for smart manufacturing, smart cities, smart medical care and other social development Multiple aspects of comprehensive needs cultivate the contribution of lack of talents.

First author Wang Xiaoyu

The first author Wang Xiaoyu is a straight student of the 2020 control science and engineering major of Tongji University. Under the guidance of the instructor, he mainly studies the security control of non -linear systems. The award -winning paper is mainly aimed at the physical security problem at the physical level of the intelligent unmanned system. Based on the output adjustment theory and the control barrier function constructive performance index function, the design security control strategy solves the problem of system trajectory security and gradual tracking issues, and further discussed the discussion When security and tracking cannot be completed at the same time, the basic idea of ​​solving multi -target control problems has a wide range of application prospects in the fields of robots, smart logistics.

Non-conflicted case

Conflicted Case

According to reports, this year's China Control Conference has received more than 2,000 academic papers from domestic and foreign academic papers. Among many applicants, after several rigorous expert communication review and conference review, 5 papers are shortlisted for the final defense link. In the end, after the awarding committee did not record the voting, the dissertation of Wang Xiaoyu and Lu Ziliang and Dong Yi won the "Guan Zhao Direct Award".

The "Guan Zhao Direct Award" is a first -class achievement of international achievements in encouraging the theory of system control theory and its applications, promoting the development of scientific control, and at the same time remembered and commemorate Professor Guan Zhaozhi who made important contributions to promote the development of my country's control theory and its applications. Established awards. Professor Guan Zhaozhi is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a well -known mathematician at home and abroad, and an expert in control theory. He has been committed to the research and development of mathematics, control science and system science throughout his life, and has made important contributions to this.

Source: School of Electronic and Information Engineering

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