Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, and Chongqing five international consumer center cities cultivation and construction of the first anniversary answer sheet

Author:China Urban News Time:2022.07.27

Since the launch of Tianjin's second Haihe International Consumption Season for nearly a month, the city has organized the diversified consumer activities such as online and offline, covering commodity services, facing urban and rural areas, and integrated travelers. The picture shows one of the theme of the second Haihe International Consumer Season "Haihe Starlight Ye" night economic event site.

China News Agency reporter Wu Yu

In July 2021, with the approval of the State Council, five cities including Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, and Chongqing took the lead in carrying out the cultivation and construction of international consumer center cities.

In the past year, what kind of development answers did the above five cities have handed over? Which cities will look at the international consumer center cities? What shortcomings do you need to make up for the construction of international consumer cities? Recently, a reporter from China City Daily conducted relevant sorting and interviews.

The construction results of the international consumer center city are bright

Data witnessed the process of building international consumer cities in various places.

Look at Beijing first. The first store has become the standard for cultivating and building an international consumer center city, and it has also become an important point for local boot consumption. Since 2021, there are nearly 1,300 first stores in Beijing, and it is in the first echelon of the first economy in the country. Among them, in 2021, of the 901 first stores in Beijing, international brands accounted for 15%, which increased the international model of Beijing.

Look at Shanghai again. In 2021, Shanghai has opened a total of thousands of brands. In the first June of this year, 366 first stores were settled, and the number of laurels in the Mainland was attracted. Last year, more than 3,000 international and domestic brands held new products first, first show and first exhibition activities in Shanghai. Shanghai Fashion Week ranks fourth in the world in the world.

Put your eyes in Guangzhou. In 2021, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Guangzhou and the total foreign trade imports and exports for the first time exceeded the trillion -dollar mark, becoming the third city of two indicators in domestic cities. The per capita consumption expenditure of cities and towns is 47,162 yuan, and domestic and international tourism costs 288.589 billion yuan. The import volume of consumer goods was 76.53 billion yuan, which was growing for three consecutive years.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of the cultivation of international consumer cities in the past year?

The co -director, researcher Pan, and Lin, the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center of Zhejiang University International Commercial School, said that the cultivation and construction of the international consumer center cities are effective, the ecological chain of the international consumer center cities is gradually formed, the online and offline integration, the logistics system is smooth, efficient, and efficient , Especially cities rely on the city's peripheral industrial chain.

"For example, Guangzhou relies on the manufacturing industry of the Pearl River Delta, and Shanghai relies on the industrial chain of the long triangle region to develop the consumer market with the block industry chain as its core, bringing the development of the surrounding industrial blocks, and also formed a regional brand effect . "Pan and Lin Jusu said.

Fight in many places to compete for international consumer center cities

In 2019, 14 departments including the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Cultivating and Construction of International Consumer Center Cities", which clearly put forward the use of 5 years to guide "good basic conditions, great consumption potential, high internationalization, strong local willingness to localized, strong local willingness "City, cultivate several international consumer cities.

In 2021, the construction of the international consumer center cities was written into the national "14th Five -Year Plan" and the outline of the long -view target in 2035. In July of the same year, the Ministry of Commerce announced the list of the first international consumer center cities, and Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, and Chongqing were on the list of five cities.

Subsequently, the first batch of cities to enter the list successively introduced specific policies to promote consumption actions in 2022. In addition, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qingdao, Suzhou and other uns selected cities have also promoted the "International Consumption Center" this year.

According to incomplete statistics, since July 2021, since the State Council has approved the construction of Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, and Chongqing, at least 20 cities have entered the second batch of international consumer center cities.

Why are there so many cities to build international consumer cities? Panhe Lin said in an interview with the China City Newspaper reporter that building an international consumer center city can optimize the city's consumption experience to enhance the confidence of urban residents' consumption, activate the consumer market of the central city, and drive consumer demand.

"Affected by the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, urban economic growth needs to continue to boost the demand for the consumer market, and improving consumer consumer experience is an important part of boosting the demand for the consumer market. Building an international consumer center city can effectively improve consumer consumer experience and activate Consumption. "Pan and Lin analyzed.

Build a short board for international consumer center cities to be supplemented

To build an international consumer center city, different cities have different shortcomings to make up.

According to Panhelin analysis, Shanghai was affected by the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, and the consumer market once had a brief atrophy. At present, it is necessary to focus on repairing the Shanghai consumer market and attract external consumers to come to Shanghai for consumption. Consumers, as a traditional open city, Guangzhou has always been the external window of the Pearl River Delta manufacturing industry. In the future, it is necessary to attract more overseas consumers to carry out trade in Guangzhou through cross -border trade; Chongqing is an inland city, which must further improve the freight logistics system ; Tianjin's business environment has room for further improvement.

Pan and Lin suggested that the model of online transactions and offline experience should be actively promoted. In the era of digitalization of the Internet, consumer consumption habits are changing. At present, most offline consumption is still mainly experienced. The model of online transactions and offline experience can not only resist the impact of the epidemic, but also increase online online online. The transaction volume. The city should build an international consumer center city around the online online, such as the improvement of the logistics and freight system and the construction of the supply chain. In fact, there are already cities with related layouts. Taking Beijing as an example, Gu Jinxu, deputy director of the Beijing Economic and Information Technology Bureau, said that in the next step, Beijing will promote the gathering and upgrading of the live e -commerce industry, enhance the supply capacity of digital content services, create an atmosphere of digital consumption development, and continue to stimulate digital digits Economic innovation helps to cultivate the construction of international consumer center cities.

Beijing will also select 2-3 districts to create high -quality live broadcasting e -commerce bases, encourage various market entities to participate in the construction of live e -commerce bases; encourage platform enterprises to set up the first store first live broadcast area, and use the live broadcast economy to promote the "Beijing brand IP" to create a creation "People, goods, and fields" all -element live broadcast e -commerce industry gathering ecology; exploring new digital culture models, and developing new forms of consumption such as cloud tourism, cloud exhibitions, digital art. In addition, in the fields of catering, tourism, cultural activities, Beijing will also regularly launch special consumer lists and consumption guidelines to cultivate consumer brands.

■ China City Daily Reporter: Xing Can

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