New students report to hold proves of Grandpa Grandma Vaccine?School: Cancelled

Author:Harbin Daily Time:2022.07.28

A few days ago, it was rumored that the Xuelang Middle School of Wuxi, Jiangsu, had a notice of replenishment notice from the New Year's Eve. The freshmen reported that the grandparents and grandparents who lived in Wuxi and the grandparents' new crown vaccine were required. On July 26, a reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily called Xuelang Middle School. The school staff said that this requirement for providing a new crown vaccination certificate has been canceled, and only the family members of the same residents can be provided. There was this request before I hope that students can have a safe environment.

According to the online pictures, the notice is a supplementary notice that requires freshmen to report to the relevant materials on the same day, including the Grandpa, grandma, grandfather, and grandmother of the new crown vaccination certificate in Wuxi. Essence The notice is notified to the Wuxi Xuelang Middle School.

In response to this, on July 26, the reporter called Xuelang Middle School. A staff member said that it was indeed before students who provided a certificate of vaccination with students with students over 60 years old. Essence At present, this requirement for providing a new crown vaccination certificate has been canceled. For the notification why students were not required to provide a certificate of vaccination for their parents, the staff stated that all parents and parents had all vaccinated.

Source: Surging News Beijing Youth Daily


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