Guangzhou New Corporation New Employment Group Party Construction "Three Grabs and Three Belt" project promotion meeting was held

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.07.28

China Wankang News reporter Mai Wanhua On July 26, Guangzhou New Laboratory New Employment Group Party Construction "Three Grabs and Three Belt" work and takeaway distribution "Yangcheng Red Rider" party building brand project promotion meeting was held in Liwan District, Guangzhou. The meeting observed and learned the "small specialty" party committee to strengthen the industry's overall planning to promote the party building of the takeaway distribution industry, and the territory responsibility of the streets of Liwan District will include new employment groups into the typical party building pattern of the city's grassroots party building. The "three grasping and three belts" project has been implemented in detail.

The meeting emphasized that one must improve political standing and enhance the sense of urgent responsibility and mission of party building work in the new situation and new employment group. The new employment group must be incorporated into the city's grass -roots party building pattern, and strives to attract them, organize, and stabilize them; we must strengthen the political and organizational functions of the party organization of the platform enterprise, and transform the advantages of party building into the development advantage; New technologies and technologies of thinking, enhance the effectiveness of party organization and work coverage. Second, we must focus on the key work of traction, further promote the "three grasping and three strips" project, and put the party's comprehensive leadership into the new business and new employment group. We must focus on promoting the implementation of the integration of grasping supervision and the party building, the head and the end of the head and the end of the end, grasp the two -way force of norms and innovation, grasp the leading and strong care of love, and strive to solve the new format and the new employment group party building "who is responsible" "How to build", "weak power" and "how to work". Third, we must effectively strengthen organizational leadership to ensure that the tasks of party building in the new format and the new employment group have effective, and promote the implementation of various tasks with the sense of responsibility of "constantly rest assured".

Since the beginning of this year, Guangzhou has issued the "Work Plan for the Implementation of the" Three Grabs and Three Belt "Projects of the Party Construction of the New Employment Group" (hereinafter referred to as the "" Plan ""), and proposes 20 specific measures and 50 tasks. With the entire network, grab the full -chain of the faucet, and focus on the focus of the area ", actively explore and strengthen the new path of new formats and new employment group party building work, and introduce the implementation of the" Plan "in the fields of express delivery, takeaway, online car rental, freight, and online live broadcasting Specific measures have formed a "1+4" policy system for the new business and new employment group. Advance the innovation of institutional mechanisms, organize innovation, and method innovation, focus on building "red live broadcast", "red steering wheel", "Yangcheng Red Rider", "Hard -working little bee" and other party building brand projects. 6,224 new format companies, 866 key platform companies and more than 1.03 million new employment groups are closely unite around the party.

With the guidance of the Organization Department of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee (the two New Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee) and the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, the Municipal "Datong Party Committee '" Daqian Party Committee' "," Park Park Supermarket "and" SF City "takeaway platform enterprise party organizations were established. Formed, the first batch of nine takeaway riders mobile party members have been established. The 1138 service takeaway riders and express brothers of the "Yangcheng Red Rider" love station in Longjin Street, Liwan District have been completed, and the first batch of more than 1,300 riders joined The "Yangcheng Red Rider" anti -epidemic vanguard team, and by constructing the "1+1+N" love service system, allowing takeaway riders and other new business and new employment groups to gain a stronger sense of belonging and happiness, and continuously enhance the appeal of party organizations , Cohesion and influence.

Edit: Yu Hongyang

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