Permaneous 2022 Guangdong high recruitment: "Iron Rice Bowl" is specially sought after, foreign language and financial categories were "left -out"

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.28

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Sun Wei intern Guo Yiyu

Among the Guangdong high recruits in 2022, many colleges and universities have risen in terms of local special projects, public funding teachers and other majors, and candidates have risen enthusiasm for applying for the exam. In contrast, foreign languages ​​and financial majors have "encountered cold", especially many foreign language colleges, which have declined greatly this year. Why do candidates' "stability" mentality become mainstream? The reporter learned about the situation from many candidates.

Ranking changes: Public funding teachers are particularly "sought after"

Good treatment, high salary, and examiners ... In this year's high recruitment of Guangdong, the popularity of teachers' majors will not be reduced. rise.

Among them, public funding teachers are particularly "sought after." This year, a total of 2130 people in Guangdong's public funding teachers, of which the total number of "public fund -oriented" enrollment was 200. Make sure that there are policy support such as posting and posting, distributing as teachers, and free tuition during the study period is the main factor to attract candidates to apply.

Since last year, the minimum ranking of public funding teachers has increased. This year, the minimum ranking of public -funded teachers from Southwest University, Northeast Normal University and other universities has risen, and some of the minimum rankings of academic colleges have also improved significantly.

Same as the teacher's major, the local special projects are often regarded by many candidates as the "iron rice bowl" major. Generally speaking, the local special groups of various colleges and universities will be lower than those of non -local special projects. Like Shantou University and Guangzhou Medical University's local special submission lines are much lower than other professional groups.

But this year, the minimum ranking of many local specialized professional groups in the historical categories rose significantly. Guangzhou Medical University, South China Normal University, Shantou University and other universities have increased more than a thousand local special projects from last year. Local special projects such as Guangdong University of Finance also have higher local special professional groups.

In contrast, many foreign languages ​​and financial colleges this year "encounter cold" in Guangdong, and the minimum ranking of Beijing Foreign Languages ​​University, Beijing Language University, Shanghai Foreign Studies University, etc. Professional is particularly "neglected".

The minimum of this year's physics (excluding local special project) of the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, which has declined a lot, is 555 points, and the lowest ranking has fallen from about 30,000 in previous years to 60,000. Among the colleges and universities of financial and economics, China University of Economics and Law, Central University of Finance and Economics, University of Finance and Economics, and University of Foreign Economic and Trade also declined.

Student: "Foreign language heat slows down is a fact"

The "Iron Rice Bowl" major is sought after, but foreign languages ​​and finance and trade majors are "cold". Why do candidates no longer choose the popular foreign language and financial majors in previous years? The reporter learned that the reason why candidates chose teachers and local special projects was because of factors such as guarantee and stability.

Zeng Ziqi is one of the candidates who applied for English teachers this year. She is good at English that she knows that this year's teachers' professional competition is fierce, but after graduation, she intends to "compile as a teacher" and eventually let her choose to apply for the teacher category.

Candidates in poor areas are their "optimal choices". Chen Yiling filled out the local special professional group of South China Normal University this year. She frankly said: "There are many classmates around them, the specialty or local special project. They intend to be a teacher in the future. It's very friendly. "

Graduated to distribute employment directly. Such a "iron rice bowl" major is indeed the best choice for candidates who pursue employment. In contrast, is foreign language and financial and trade majors really "getting more and more difficult for employment"? Liang Wensheng is a fresh graduate of the Japanese University of Foreign Studies from Guangdong Foreign Studies this year. He said: "As far as the current situation is concerned, foreign language majors, especially small language majors, are difficult to employment."

But he also said that the sound of difficulty in employment in foreign language majors was not only available this year. "From the beginning of my freshman, I have heard of employment in foreign language majors." In his opinion, it is better to say that the content of employment is not consistent with the direction of my own imagination. " Regarding the plunge of the scores of Guangwai this year, he admits that he will indeed be unbalanced, but with the progress of the times and the changes in the environment, "foreign language heat slows down slowly."

Compared with foreign language majors, many students studying in financial and trade majors are still optimistic about their employment prospects. Yu Feng, who is currently studying in the financial engineering major of the 211 Finance and Economics College, said: "The average salary of the financial industry is still relatively high. About 200,000 to 300,000 yuan. "

However, Yu Feng also realized that people with high salary in the financial and trade industry like finance are actually endogenous, and the average salary is high and the pressure is also high.

Expert: rational view of the ups and downs of the submission score

These two types of professional rankings have changed very differently. Can they reflect the changes in candidates' willingness to apply? Does foreign language and financial and trade majors really no longer "eat"?

Xiong Bingqi, a well -known education scholar and dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, said that the ups and downs changes of the submission score are mainly brought by volunteer reporting. The change of volunteer filling methods has caused the enrollment plan of each volunteer unit to change, and the submission is determined by the enrollment plan and the candidate filling in the volunteer. Students fill in the voluntary change slightly, which will cause changes in the submissions. The school and major of "seeing decline" are not reliable. Regarding the increase in the increase in teachers 'professional applications, Xiong Bingqi believes that this is related to the improvement of teachers' occupational status and difficult employment situation. For public -funded teachers, filling in such majors can directly solve the work after graduation, so the number of applicants has increased. But he also said: "Choosing a public fund student still needs the ideal of teaching, not just for anxiety."

In Xiong Bingqi's opinion, the parents of candidates will have a certain blindness when choosing colleges and majors. Sometimes they choose a major in the current social hotspot or the feeling of certain types of professional development prospects. Candidates in a province have decreased and scored declines, and the admission of such majors in other provinces has no such situation. The admission of such majors in this province in the coming year is higher.

He said: "This year's colleges and majors with low admission scores and majors will have a high probability next year, which will have nothing to do with the quality of school running. This is determined by volunteer filling. In the selection, many parents have blindly following the trend. "

Source | Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng School

Picture | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng Pai information map

Responsible editor | Wu Anqi

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