For a month, the Taiyuan Traffic Police investigated and dealt with various types of traffic violations of 14,700

Author:Fairview Taiyuan City Time:2022.07.28

On July 27, the Traffic Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau held a report on a news ventilation meeting. Since the launch of the "Hundred Days Action" for the special rectification of traffic violations on June 29, the Taiyuan Traffic Police investigated and dealt with ordinary provincial highway and rural roads. From 147.14 million illegal laws, there are 8,950 provincial highways in China and 5,764 rural roads.

Since the operation of the operation, the Taiyuan Traffic Police mobilized, combined with the characteristics of summer traffic violations and the laws of accidents, insisted on rectification and propaganda synchronization, punishment and education, strengthened inspection and control, strictly investigated and punished a number of serious traffic violations, purified road traffic, and purified road traffic Order has eliminated hidden dangers of traffic.

Among them, three nights for three consecutive nights from July 22 to 24. According to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, the Taiyuan Traffic Police launched a centralized unified operation of summer night public security inspections. As an important battle to promote the "100 -day action", Taiyuan Traffic Police launched a high -level service, strengthened the deployment of police forces in drunk drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk driving, and the deployment of police forces and road sections. At the same time as drunk driving, it was simultaneously investigated and dealt with explicit traffic violations such as overcarring, not using seat belts, no safety helmets, and illegal modification of vehicles "bombing streets" to disturb the people.

According to the arrangement, Taiyuan Traffic Police will continue to maintain a high -pressure rectification situation of serious traffic violations such as "drunk driving, drunk driving, poisoning, and drag racing", and make every effort to curb road traffic accidents caused by "dangerous driving". The dangerous hidden danger section and the duty deployment of multiple sections of the violations of the law, and strictly investigate various serious traffic violations in accordance with the law. At the same time, focusing on three types of key groups of children, electric bicycles, and elderly people, children who are less than 12 years old cannot ride a bicycle on the road, allowing children to learn from elementary school to "know danger and avoid danger", and continue to strictly run through the red light. Traffic violations such as reverse driving, vigorously publicize the harmfulness of not wearing safety helmets, extensively mobilize social forces, strengthen the publicity and education of elderly groups, and guide the elderly to travel to comply with traffic regulations.

Source: Taiyuan Daily

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