Guazhou County People's Court South Tribe: Successful mediation Cases of life rights disputes

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.07.28

The newspaper Guzhou News Recently, the Nancha Court of the Guizhou County People's Court successfully mediate a case of life rights.

The plaintiff Zhou and the defendant Zhang were former villagers in the same village. One day, Zhou's husband and Zhang had three people and other three people to drink alcohol. After drinking, Zhang and others sent Zhou's husband to the house. At night, Zhou's husband died of an accidental drinking of drinking, and the two parties had a dispute over the compensation issues. After repeated mediation by the village committee and the township judicial office, Zhang paid Zhou Mou to pay a funeral fee of 5,000 yuan. Other compensation coordinated coordination. Concerns Zhang and others to court.

During the trial process, the plaintiff Zhou said that the middle -aged bereaved husband was lost, and the only labor force in the family was unable to raise it. The defendant Zhang argued that he had fulfilled the safety attention and care obligations. Life had adverse effects and asked the plaintiff to compensate.

After understanding the situation, the case -handling judge communicates with the staff of the village committee and the staff of the township and township institutes, and starts with the relevant laws and regulations and the relationship between the neighborhoods and interpret the law. In the end, the defendant Zhang voluntarily compensated Zhou to lose more than 20,000 yuan for each other, and handed over the compensation for the compensation to the Guazhou County People's Court in the afternoon of the same day. The court notified Zhou to receive compensation for the first time. (Li Jia)

Editor in charge: Tian Xue

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