"Review of the Economic Work in the first half of the year" series of reports 2 | Industrial leading helps the economy to develop high -quality development

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.07.28

Jiuquan Silicon Carbon Industry Park

Industry has grown steadily, and its economy is energetic. Since the beginning of this year, Jiuquan City has focused on the overall idea of ​​"1246", implemented in -depth implementation of the industrial strong city strategy, solidly promoted strong industrial actions, and actively cope with the disadvantages of disadvantaged factors such as the repeated epidemic, poor situation, maintenance of power industries, and volatility of industrial products in large industrial products. , Anchor the target tasks, take the initiative to take the initiative, take the implementation of stable economic policies as the starting point, help enterprises to relieve the difficulties of the difficulties as the focus, and make every effort to promote the stability of the industrial economy.

From January to June, Jiuquan's industrial added value increased by 7.1%year -on -year. Among them, the added value of industrial industries increased by 12.1%year -on -year, ranking fifth in the province, which was higher than the provincial annual target and the scheduling target of the first half of the year 2.1 and 1.1 percentage points; the city's industrial fixed asset investment increased by 31.5%year -on -year.

Forging high -quality development main engine

The advantages of narrowing from the gap between Jiuquan and the developed areas and the realization of curve overtaking are industry, and the potential is also industry. Accelerating the high -quality development of industrial industries is a powerful engine to achieve high -quality economic development.

From January to June, the industrial growth rate of the industrial growth rate of the industrial growth of the city in Subei County, Jinsha County, Jiuquan Economic Development Zone, Suzhou District and Yumen City, and provided the main support for the city's industrial growth. The Jiuquan Economic Development Zone and the Malangushan Economic Development Zone continued to grow rapidly, with an increase of 29.4%and 66.5%, respectively, driving industrial growth in the first half of the year.

Jiuquan City keeps an eye on high -quality development requirements, focusing on new energy, modern chemical industry, mineral product processing, and nuclear industry, continue to work hard, long -lasting work, optimize the industrial system, continuously expand the industrial chain, and further highlight the support of industry's support for economic development Essence

Jiuquan Silicon Carbon Industry Park is a major demonstration project in Jiuquan City. It was completed on March 31 this year. This project is of great significance to optimize the industrial structure of Jiuquan Economic Development Zone and lead the rapid development of upstream and downstream industries.

The Yumen Oilfield is the main engine of Jiuquan's industrial economy. In the first half of the year, it mined 215,000 tons of crude oil and 1.033 million tons of processing oil.

The Tianbao Coal Industry Red Sand Coal Mine, located in the Malangushan Economic Development Zone is the largest coal mine project under construction in Hexi. It is also the fifth batch of national coal emergency protection coal mines. The open -air mine started in November last year, and the industrial output value was 204 million yuan at the end of June this year.

In the first half of the year, Jiuquan's nine leading industries contributed 95.2%of the industrial growth rate of regulations. Among them, the growth rates of petrochemicals, coal and equipment manufacturing industries reached 12.5%, 114.3%, and 47.9%, respectively, and the contribution rates to industrial growth on the regulations reached 40.6%, 60.8%, and 15.4%, respectively. The role of cabin stone. Industrial electricity consumption continued to rise. The city's industrial electricity consumption was 1.887 billion kilowatt -hours, an increase of 32.67%year -on -year, accounting for 52%of the power consumption of the whole society.

In the first half of the year, Jiuquan City's "undergoing regulations" industrial enterprises cultivated a record high. So far, 14 companies including Jiuquan Economic Development Zone Zhengtai New Energy Technology, Mingyang Wisdom and Yumen Kunjin Chemical, Kaishi Daming, Zhongsheng Haoshun, and Guizhou County Taiyuan New Energy have grown into regulatory enterprises. The city's regulatory enterprises have reached 313, and the number has exceeded Lanzhou City, and it has jumped in the province. This year and last year, 87 new companies have drove the city's regulations to grow industrial growth by 10 percentage points.

Implement the difficulties of stabilizing enterprise policies to help companies relieve difficulties

In June of this year, Jiuquan City Industrial and Information System organized manpower to go to counties and cities and Jiuquan Economic Development Zone to coordinate and solve difficult problems that affect the normal production of enterprises. Fifty key enterprises that pay close attention to the municipal -level scheduling and 87 new entry -regulatory enterprises last year and this year, helping enterprises to ensure raw material supply to the greatest extent, and promote the restoration of enterprises to restore production capacity. At the same time, focus on fine chemicals, mineral product processing and other enterprises with great potential to increase production in the near future, help enterprises to coordinate and solve the problem of shortage of production factors, promote enterprises to increase production and production, and further tap key leading enterprises to increase production potential. In -depth development of the enterprise baggage and helping work, further updating the accounts of difficult issues in industrial enterprises in the city, and regular inspections and advancement.

Up to now, the city's industrial and information system coordinates and solves 320 issues of corporate difficulties. Among them, 293 raw materials and product transportation problems, 11 production factor guarantee problems, 2 items of the shortage of supplies prevention and control supplies, and 14 other issues such as procedures and mobile funds, which effectively ensure that the enterprise is stable and increased. In particular, 4 county -level issues, including Hengya Cement Coal Following the Tightening, and 4 county -level issues, including the shortage of mining funds, have been coordinated and resolved.

In order to ensure the safe and stable supply of electric coal and thermal coal in the city, Jiuquan City has continued to implement regular monitoring and scheduling measures while led the implementation of the national and provincial coal increase of coal increase. By the end of June, the city's five cumulative coal production of coal mines was 2.084 million tons, reaching 62.2%of the annual production capacity of the enterprise.

Focusing on important materials for agricultural production, key epidemic prevention and medical supplies, and key supplies of strategic industries, Jiuquan City has paid close attention to the industrial chain supply. 19 industrial enterprises with inter -city transportation demand are recommended to be included in the province's key guarantee industrial chain supply chain The "whitelist" of the enterprise shall apply for a pass through online express procedures for 23 key provides enterprises with cross -city transportation needs during the prevention and control of the city.

"True Gold and Silver" is the most powerful support for enterprise development. Jiuquan Industrial and Information System actively strives for funds. In the first half of the year, the small and micro enterprise financing guarantee and fee reduction awards for the central government's special funds were 30.294 million yuan. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission strives to 34.63 million yuan in special funds for the development of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries in the central budget, totaling 65.7094 million yuan. Jiuquan City conscientiously implemented a number of policies that inspired the innovation and development of the information industry. At the April Economic High -quality Development Reward Conference, 91 enterprises were rewarded, with a total of RMB 31,242,600. Promote the industrial economy to break the waves

Looking back at the first half of the year, although Jiuquan's industrial economic development has risen steadily, there are still certain problems, mainly because the industry has declined, the industry growth is narrowed, and the accounting method of new energy power generation enterprises has adjusted the output value accounting method to the growth rate of growth rates to the growth rate. Continuous influence. In the face of this situation, Jiuquan City will take multiple measures in the second half of the year to promote the industrial economy.

Jiuquan will further improve the development plan of the leading industry in accordance with the requirements of the implementation plan of a strong industrial action, formulate the "one industry, one policy" work plan for key industries, unite the power of all parties, and promote a good start of strong industrial actions. Fully implement the policy of stabilizing the economy, earnestly fulfill the responsibilities of the enterprise assistance group, make every effort to promote the implementation of the national and provincial and municipal economic policies and measures, closely linked key areas and key links, and do a better scale Policy precisely push and "enjoy" services, do their best to do a good job of tax cuts and fees, and boosting confidence in the development of the enterprise. Strengthen the overall scheduling of industrial economy, strengthen the economic situation research and judgment, key industries, and key enterprises' operation scheduling, and make every effort to solve the difficulties caused by uncertainties such as epidemic and market, and ensure the protection of the production factors of coal, electricity, oil and gas transportation. Do a good job of cultivating the "small -lifting regulations" enterprises, timely supplement the key cultivation of the corporate library, keep an eye on enterprises with high value -added rates, good production efficiency, and great development potential to do work. Tracking services to ensure that high -quality enterprises should be entered, and make every effort to ensure that more than 16 new companies in the warehouse have been added in the third quarter. Strengthen the help scheduling of enterprises under the regulations, and focus on the effective experience and work of key enterprises in the production and operation scheduling of key enterprises, and make every effort to supervise and help the rules for key enterprises to open up their horsepower production and sales, and strive to achieve rapid growth in industrial added value in the third quarter. Essence

Project construction is a "cockpit stone" for the high -quality economic development. In the second half of the year, Jiuquan will keep an eye on key project construction progress, seize the golden period of project construction, carry out coordinated services guarantee work, and urge Ruida to high -strength fasteners and jade. Men Youshun Pharmaceutical Pesticide Intermediate and other projects have accelerated the progress of construction and strive to build 16 projects in the third quarter. Accelerate the progress of major projects such as Ou Hao, Sun and Moon Heavy Industry, and Baofeng, ensure completion of construction tasks on schedule, and increase new momentum. Strive for 206 key construction industrial projects listed in account management in the third quarter of the third quarter, and the investment of more than 60%.

(Jiuquan Rong Media reporter Wang Guo Quanzhe Qi Zhengzhong)

Editor in charge: Zhao Haiyan

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