Dongping County Shahe Station Town: Strengthen the construction of grid hardware to focus on peaceful construction

Author:Dongping County Rong Media Cen Time:2022.07.28

In order to further strengthen the comprehensive management of social security and maintain the harmony and stability of the jurisdiction, Shahe Station Town, Dongping County takes the construction of Ping An Shahe Station, strengthen the standardized construction of the comprehensive governance center, create a "actual combat platform" of grassroots governance, and form a network with comprehensive governance centers as the platform. The work mechanism of lag management and informatization uses the role of main positions to maintain social security and stability.

Shahe Station Town has invested more than 2 million yuan to build a comprehensive governance center of the town, with a cumulative reception and resolution of more than 100 contradictions. The investment of 839,000 yuan was used for the maintenance and expansion of the "Snow Light Project", and realized that the county and township public safety video image sharing application platform and the video image platform of the public security department at the same level were connected. At the same time, the construction tasks of the village -level comprehensive governance center were completed, and two demonstration villages of the standardized comprehensive governance centers were created.


中心按照办事和诉求两个方面的功能,重新整合政务大厅窗口,设有一站式服务大厅、社会受理指挥中心、综合协调室、心理咨询室、矛盾纠纷调解室、说事说法室;综治、 Judicial, petition, anti -drugs, civil affairs, social security, publicity and other departments settled in, and implemented a 1+X working mechanism for centralized office, division of labor, coordination and coordination to fully realize the "one -stop" acceptance of social affairs and "integrated" operation of centralized office. Receive the "one dragon" service of the masses.

Through the standardized construction of the comprehensive governance center, Shahe Station has strongly promoted the development of social governance, realized the significant improvement of grass -roots social security management and control capabilities and the decline in the total number of contradictions and disputes, and promoted the stability of the overall social security situation in the town. (Correspondent: Wang Nan)

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