Focus on Liu Dengtang, the star of Yimeng Rural: Cold the golf to broaden the road to the folks to become rich Time:2022.07.28

The top of the head, sandals on the feet, dark skin, walking through the cherry saplings carefully, check the growth carefully, mosquito bites are not distracted. This is the first impression of Liu Dengtang to reporters.

Liu Dengtang is 54 years old. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and a native of Nancun South Village, Tangtou Street, Hedong District. He is a "good style". In 2020, he actively participated in the professional cooperatives of Huimin Flower Flower and Miao and Miao and Miao Farmers' professional cooperatives led by the village party branch, and served as a technician to take the lead in participating in the planting and promotion of the flower seedlings industry, and provided technical support for free. In addition, he actively promoted the transfer of land and allowed villagers to share collective economic dividends. The average annual income of the households increased by more than 20,000 yuan, winning praise from the public.

In recent years, the village committee of the Gounan Village where Liu Dengtang is located has solidly promoted the construction of beautiful rural villages. The villagers' lives have "seen green everywhere", the living environment has continued to improve, the level of living has continued to improve, and there is a prosperous scene everywhere. The significant improvement of the village environment has provided villagers with a more environmentally friendly production environment.

The environment has improved, how to lead farmers to get rich through industrial development? In 2021, when relevant experts in the city investigated the development of rural characteristic industries, they found that the soil and climate conditions of Glitan Village were suitable for planting cherry. It is recommended that local development of cherry cultivation and seedling cultivation industry. In the case of experts, a flame was burned in Liu Dengtang's heart: first planting trees for demonstration, and then using photovoltaic greenhouses to cultivate cherry seedlings to add a new way to wealth to the village. "I learned from the municipal agricultural and rural departments that the cherry has high nutritional value, good market prospects, and very popular. It is known as the" gold industry "internationally. Cold resistance is more picky about soil and environment, and there must be land first. In the early years, Gutan Village's land was idle in large quantities, and the land transfer was not smooth. To solve the problem of idle land, improve the land utilization rate, and actively carry out land transfer, cooperate with the integrity and middle -aged energy -saving companies, transfer more than 900 acres of land, develop the "greenhouse economy" to help rural rejuvenation, clean power on the shed, and plant efficient planting under the shed. Not only improves the ecological environment of Golnan Village, but also solves the employment of some villagers, driving common prosperity.

In 2021, Liu Dengtang's "long" "soil expert" in the field used the "greenhouse project" to start "secondary entrepreneurship" and shifted from "soil shaving" to "gold rush into the ground" -the cherry The seedlings work hard to broaden the income increase channels for the folks. After careful consideration and various investigations, he quoted more than 10 cherry cherries such as beautiful early, Brooks, Hong Nanyang, Super Beauty, Glory, Qi Early, Black Pearl, and yellow honey. Since then, Liu Dengtang's couple have been greedy and black, and the cherry has been planted in storms.

Cultivating cherry seedlings requires many technical difficulties. Liu Dengtang carefully experimented and explored a little bit. If he did not understand, he consulted the city's first secretary and experts from the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, insisted on conducting cutting technology research experiments, screening cuttings and grafting methods, and continuously improved and optimized. "Rooted root in the traditional agricultural planting area.

Today, the cherry seedlings are growing up, and the trees are upright. From the large seedlings when introducing, the seedlings grow to a tall sapling, and they can hang fruit next year to see benefits. From exploring entry to selected breeding, Liu Dengtang's hardships are about to end up. As the "dream chaser" of Cherry breeding in Hedong District, the dream of Liu Dengtang, the star of Yimeng Rural, is gradually becoming a reality.

Lingbao media reporter Wei Ya Zhu Peng intern Wang Qi

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