腹 处 丨 Jinan in the hinterland of the body, how to hand over the dazzling "open transcripts"?

Author:Jinan Daily Time:2022.07.28

Foreign trade foreign investment is the weathervane of observing a city economy.

Although multiple challenges have been distributed by the domestic epidemic and difficulties in the global economic recovery, the factors of the Jinan Foreign Trade recovery began to accelerate last year. The higher year -on -year base has increased the difficulty of the stable growth of foreign trade in the later period. In the first half of this year, the import and export operation continued the better growth momentum since the second half of last year. The growth and export growth rate of imports and exports has achieved double -digit growth, laying a good foundation for achieving the continuous growth of foreign trade throughout the year.

At the press conference of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government held on July 26, according to customs statistics, the total value of Jinan City in the first half of the year was 108.73 billion yuan, an increase of 28.8%over the same period last year. Among them, exports were 62.89 billion yuan, an increase of 25%; imports were 45.84 billion yuan, an increase of 34.5%. The growth rate of imports and exports, exports, and imports in Jinan City is higher than the average level of the country and the province.

The leap in the crisis and the breakthroughs in difficulties, Fang Xianzheng's true achievements. Behind the comprehensive "popular" foreign trade transcripts is that Jinan, who is in the hinterland, made every effort to open development articles, continuously optimize the structure of foreign trade, vigorously promote transformation and upgrading, and accelerate the construction of innovation platforms. The development of the “Belt and Road”, accelerating the construction of open cooperation and cooperation, and doing their efforts and gains all efforts to open propositions.

Stable and progressive, foreign trade and foreign capital become sufficient

The foundation of stability and promotion is more consolidated with the foundation of "stability", and the kinetic energy of "entering" continues to appear.

If you want to know the overall situation, look at it first. Looking at foreign trade transcripts, general trade dominates, and the import and export of bonded logistics has grown rapidly. In the first half of the year, Jinan's general trade imports and exports were 90.11 billion yuan, an increase of 18.2%, accounting for 82.9%of the city's total import and export value. During the same period, the import and export of bonded logistics was 13.78 billion yuan, an increase of 222.3%; the import and export of processing trade was 3.57 billion yuan, an increase of 13.2%.

The new coronary pneumonia's epidemic affects the world trade, and it is not easy to stabilize the basic market for foreign trade. Jinan's traditional superior products rose against the trend. In the first half of the year, Jinan's foreign trade superior products such as mechanical and electrical products, agricultural products, and metal ore sands totaled 78.17 billion yuan, an increase of 28.5%year -on -year, accounting for 71.9%of the city's total import and export value. It can be seen that the structure of the traditional import and export of Jinan is more reasonable and has obvious competitive advantages.

In the first half of this year, Jinan's foreign trade and foreign capital continued to develop steadily. The foundation of "stability" was more consolidated, and the momentum of "entering" continued to appear ——

The exports of electromechanical products, steel, and plastic products have maintained double -digit growth. In the first half of the year, Jinan exported electromechanical products were 36.98 billion yuan, an increase of 32.2%, accounting for 58.8%of the total export value. At the same time, the import of electromechanical products has increased stable. In the first half of the year, Jinan imported mechanical and electrical products were 24.81 billion yuan, an increase of 63.1%, accounting for 54.1%of the total import value.

Sales and production are the driving force, stimulate new momentum of high -quality development, and highlight the vibrant and huge potential of the foreign trade industry.

The vitality of private enterprises is released, contributing to

In promoting the growth of import and export trade, private enterprises can be described as an important force.

With the continuous efforts of a series of policies and measures such as tax reduction and fee reduction, strengthening financial support, continuous optimization of the business environment, and increasing energy and raw materials, etc. It shows that the vitality of the market entity of Jinan's private enterprises has been further stimulated.

According to the data released by the customs, in the first half of the year, Jinan's private enterprises import and exported 63.51 billion yuan, an increase of 19.1%, accounting for 58.4%of the city's total import and export value. Private enterprises were further consolidated as the largest main body of foreign trade.

At the same time, the number of private enterprises with import and export performance is also increasing. In the first half of the year, the number of private enterprises with actual import and export business in Jinan was 4,969, an increase of 16.5%. The proportion of all foreign trade enterprises increased by 1 percentage point; the growth rate of foreign trade imports and exports was 19.1%, which drove the city's foreign trade growth of 12.1 percentage points.

It is worth noting that in the first half of the year, the exports of deep -processed food agricultural products in the jurisdiction of Laiwu Customs was 730 million yuan, an increase of 43.1%year -on -year, accounting for 32.7%of the export value of agricultural products, an increase of 12.4 percentage points from the same period last year. This is inseparable from the efforts of the majority of agricultural product deep processing enterprises -Laiwu Yuyuan Food Co., Ltd., Laiwu Taihe Food Co., Ltd. developed 5 new products such as black garlic sauce, black garlic ointment, jujube walnuts, and newly added South Korea and Japan There are 5 high -end markets; Shandong Xindi Fruit and Vegetable Food Co., Ltd. adds 1,800 acres of high -quality garlic planting bases; Shandong Wanbang Food Co., Ltd. exported hawthorn registered orchards will be filed to improve the supply of high -quality raw materials for export food.

Since the beginning of this year, Jinan has introduced a number of policies and measures intensively, promoting foreign trade to maintain stability and improvement, supporting enterprises to relieve difficulties, and continued to effectively stimulate the vitality of the foreign trade market.

New advantages of international cooperation have been continuously enhanced, and potential is expected

The international market demand is relatively stable, providing a broad space for our city.

From the data point of view, ASEAN, Latin America, the European Union, the United States, and Africa are the top 5 major trading markets in Jinan. The import and exports of these 5 major markets account for 56.7%of the total value of Jinan import and export. During the same period, Jinan's imports and exports to countries along the “Belt and Road” were 38.7 billion yuan, an increase of 32.1%, accounting for 35.6%, an increase of 0.9 percentage points. The import and export of other member states of RCEP was 41.93 billion yuan, an increase of 42.4%, accounting for 38.6%, an increase of 3.7 percentage points. In addition to major trading partners, in the first half of the year, Jinan's import and export of other member states for RCEP increased by 42.4%. In order to ensure the RCEP agreement to benefit enterprises, Jinan organized the promotion of the "precision benefits · spring service" policy, and accurately interpreted policies such as the RCEP agreement preferential policy and the application process of the origin of the origin. Fully landed on the original place of origin, self -printed printing, intelligent visa and other convenient measures, superimposed measures such as "two certificates" and paperless declarations of enterprises in origin, and continuously improved the level of visa facilitation of enterprises in origin. Focusing on the pillar industry and leading enterprises to implement key assistance, it has increased the cultivation of Huaxi Biological and other enterprises through approval of exporters.

In the first half of the year, the Customs and Municipal Trade Councils issued a total of 1782 RCEP preferential origin certificates and a visa amount of 580 million yuan. It can enjoy the import national tariff reduction of 5.665 million yuan. Expanding high levels of opening up, Jinan has always maintained forward and high speeds.

Service optimization, platform blessing, and the development of the foreign trade industry ushered in the spring breeze

The business environment is not the best. Jinan continuously optimizes the development of foreign trade and stimulates the vitality of the market.

It is not difficult to know, but it is only difficult. Optimize services, hard core policies are support.

How to ensure the rapid customs clearance of the new crown test reagent? Jinan promotes the "not meeting" business processing model, and guide enterprises to comprehensively use the "single window" and "Internet+customs" and other paperless customs business processing platforms to achieve no contact, "no sight", full -scale, all -round, full Process online business handling. In addition, Jinan also opened the "green channel" of the new crown inspection measurement reagent, and adopted the "special person acceptance, full -process counseling, appointment inspection, inspection and release" mode. put.

Whether the "hot soil" can be "hot" can be "hot", depending on the merchants; can it always be "hot" and depend on the environment of a friendly businessman.

In order to continuously expand the channels of corporate problems, Jinan has used the existing "customs enterprise contact group" and business consulting hotline, and uses channels such as "government -enterprise" and "customs enterprise direct reporting points" to ensure that enterprise problems can be reflected in the first place to reflect the problems of the first time. Essence At the same time, improve the mechanism of corporate service coordination and emergency coordination mechanism, and comprehensively implement service measures such as network video guidance and remote questions to ensure that the enterprise problems have been implemented and everything is echoed.

Without sycamore trees, it is impossible to attract the golden phoenix. While practicing "internal skills", Jinan continues to compact the carrier expansion platform. Jinan accelerates the development of the Jinan area and the comprehensive insurance area of ​​the Shandong Pilot Free Trade Zone, implements innovation of integrated systems, and introduces four customs supervision and innovation measures such as the free trade pilot zone such as the auxiliary supervision system of the bonded exhibition. Promoting Jinan's first comprehensive insurance zone bonded research and development project, the successful outbound area of ​​the artificial liver for clinical research, and promoting the extension of the value chain of the industrial chain ... Jinan's external economic new carrier is in the new day and gradually constructed.

The popularity of external communication has risen, and the "circle of friends" of Jinan International has continued to expand

At present, the important activities of "connecting all over the world" are organized and a batch of guests and friends in the four seas will be visited intensively. The kinetic energy is more surging.

The China -Caribbean Development Center, which has attracted much attention from the world, was successfully established in Jinan. World Chinese Medicine Internet Industry Conference, 2022 World Laser Industry Conference, 2022 Japan (Shandong) Imported Commodity Expo, International Cultural Tourism Expo ... At a world -class event, Jinan's open charm is continuously released.

International Friendship City is an important platform and channel for opening up to the outside world. Over the years, a series of international friendly city activities have greatly promoted the exchanges and cooperation between Jinan and the mutual understanding and friendship between Jinan and many people in many countries. At present, Jinan City and 79 cities in foreign countries are concluded as friendly cities, and the friendly network covers five continents. Among them, there are many internationally renowned cities such as Wanda City, Finland, and the capital of Foray.

On March 23, Jinan passed the "Shandong Activity Week Jinan Day" event in the Chinese Pavilion of the Dubai Expo in 2020, and passed the "Jinan Voice" to the world on the stage of the World Expo, known as the World Economy, Science and Technology, and Culture "Olympic" event. Share "Jinan Opportunities" with the world.

During the 3rd multinational company leader Qingdao Summit, there were 19 projects signed in Jinan, with a total investment of about 1.825 billion U.S. dollars and a contract foreign capital of US $ 663 million.

On August 30, 2021, Jinan City was awarded the honorary title of "East Asian Capital" in 2022. On April 26 this year, the "2022 East Asian Capital · China Jinan Activity Year" officially kicked off.

In recent years, Jinan has established 9 Jinan Cultural Tourism Exchange Center Workstations by relying on historical and cultural districts, international trend cultural districts, business core areas, and well -known scenic spots, tourism hotels and other resources to promote foreign cultural tourism exchanges.The "Global Tour Exhibition of Picasso", the Global Jewelry Diamond International Art Exhibition, the East Asian Fashion Cultural Exchange, and the International Food Trend Culture Festival have been held, so that the wonderful world culture shows the charm and exchanges and mutual learning in Jinan.For those who are always successful, the pedestrian is often arrived.Opening to the outside world is a profound change in the past, and it is an forge -ness road that never stops.Next, Jinan will continue to strengthen the construction of foreign trade platforms, promote multi -dimensional linkage investment, strengthen policy support, develop market potential, and continue to adhere to the pragmatic movement and hard -working innovation exploration of the efforts to move forward.Open and promote high -quality economic development.(Jinan Daily Reporter: Zhang Qian coordinated: Lin Jiangli)

Edit: Zhang Yu

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