Jianning Road Street, Gulou District, Nanjing: License and co -govern the "golden ideas".

Author:Nanjing Morning Post Time:2022.07.28

Relying on and launching enterprises and residents in the jurisdictions, please help to resolve the contradiction between governance and solve the "golden ideas" of joint governance to achieve a good situation of the "family" of police and civilians -this is a member of the CPPCC members to Nanjing Public Security to Nanjing Public Security Opinions and suggestions of the four village police stations of the Drum Tower Branch.

Members of the CPPCC entered the four village police stations

Recently, the four village police stations carried out the "Reporting Work to the District CPPCC members" activities. The CPPCC Jianning Road Street Working Committee organized a number of members of the CPPCC and street cadres to enter the police station to experience public security work at zero distance. Combining the "Monthly Livelihood Consultation Month", the worry, troubles, and worries around the people helped to resolve the resolution Consultation of public affairs, public interests, public welfare undertakings and other issues.

Yu Guangcheng reported to the CPPCC members

"Since this year, we have devoted all the police to the overall planning, further promoted the joint governance of linkage, and building the foundation of grassroots governance. At the same time, we strengthened risk prevention and control, highlighting key key rectification, eliminating hidden safety hazards, and comprehensively improving the effectiveness of police combat." Four. Yu Guangcheng, director of the village police station, said, "For example: In the premium prevention and control of the epidemic in the first half of the year, the police and the police and auxiliary of the entire office participated in the 20 rounds of scale of nucleic acid testing of Jianning Road Street and continued to invest in regional cooperative defense. In the back traceability work, he also organized forces to participate in the guarantee guarantee of isolation hotels and caring hotels, and truly achieve the concentric of the epidemic prevention and control of the police and the people. "

Yu Guangcheng said that the grass -roots police stations have heavy tasks and stress. Whether it is epidemic prevention, control, elimination, anti -fraud publicity, case investigation, etc., they need to pay a lot of efforts. Because of this, it is expected that members of the CPPCC will give more support and help.

Hu Wenjun hosted negotiation and negotiation activities

Hu Wenjun, the director of the CPPCC Jianning Road Street Industry Committee, thanked the four village police stations for their work. She said: "In order to effectively fulfill the functions of the Political Consultative Conference, democratic supervision, and participation in politics and politics, improve the high -quality performance capabilities of the CPPCC, and a better manner of the CPPCC members. Dedicated and suggestions for regional development, we organized negotiations. Through the work of inspecting the work of the four villages police stations on the spot, they fully felt their contributions to people's livelihood services. Public institutions, this way, everyone's communication can be deepened and more targeted. "

Members of the CPPCC put forward opinions and suggestions on the joint governance of the Communist Party

Subsequently, Wang Junyan, deputy secretary of the party committee of Nanjing Changke Group, Xu Ling, a professor at the School of Architecture and Art Design of Nanjing Railway Vocational and Technical College, Wang Yan, Deputy Director of the Products Department of the China Electronic Materials Suzhe Zhejiang Company, and the senior third -level department of Nanjing Twelfth Middle School The CPPCC members of the Gulou District CPPCC, including deputy director, spoke. Everyone said that "linkage and co -governance requires close contact with the masses, unblocking and standardizing the demands of residents. As an enterprise unit, we will also support the work of Jianning Road Street and Four Village Police Station to jointly do good things and do practical things for residents in the jurisdiction. "

According to Yu Guangcheng, next, the four village police stations will continue to explore new ideas of linkage and co -governance. It is planned to be based on human defense, physical defense, and technical defense- "three defense linkage". Contradictions and difficulties set up the "Police Enterprise Law Aid Team". In this regard, members of the CPPCC agreed very much and will give more support and help under the situation that they can.

Correspondent Drumgong Money Cheng

Nanjing Morning Post/Ai Nanjing reporter Jing Zhenghua

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