Promoting health Guangdong special operations to maintain major health indicators nationwide leading in the country

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.06.16

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhang Hua Chen Hui Correspondent Yue Weixin

For a long time, Guangdong Province has built a "top sky" medical and health pattern, and has achieved remarkable results in the construction of healthy Guangdong. In March of this year, Guangdong Province listed the "strengthening disease prevention and medical protection, improving the level of health and health" as a 1022 provincial real life. Focus on the construction of women's and child health care, outpatient help to improve medical security, and the construction of rural health talents. In order to implement ten people's livelihood practices, the province promoted the special actions of health in Guangdong, improved the organizational structure and institutional system, and strived to maintain the province's major health indicators in the country at the national advanced level.

The province has been completed

HPV vaccine procurement

As soon as the new semester of this fall starts, the first grade of junior high school in Guangdong Province can vaccinate the HPV binary vaccine for free. What is the current progress of the project? The reporter learned from the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission that as of the end of April, 21 cities and cities in the province have signed the procurement contract with the bidder vaccine supplier in accordance with the procedures for government procurement regulations.

Carrying out HPV vaccine for free vaccination is an important job in 2022 Guangdong Province's health and health undertakings. The goal is to be a free HPV vaccine for girls who have newly entered junior high school in the province to enter the first grade of junior high school and under 14 years of age. Effectively prevent cervical cancer. Provincial finances were newly increased by about 600 million yuan from 2022-2024 for HPV vaccine for free vaccination.

According to domestic HPV vaccine manufacturers, the government has purchased 1147744 HPV vaccines this year for free vaccination items. At present, the vaccine is transported to the disease control center across the province in an orderly manner. The Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission said that next, the local area will determine a fixed -point vaccination agency to do a good job of investigation and make full preparations for the vaccination work after the start of school in September.

Improve the insured

Outpatient treatment

The new policy of reimbursement of medical insurance clinics in Guangdong Province- "Implementation Measures for the Implementation Measures for the Affairs of the Basic Medical Insurance Clinic of Employees in Guangdong Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") has always attracted much attention. At present, what kind of feedback does the new policy in the province have?

The reporter learned from the Guangdong Provincial Medical Security Bureau that at present, most cities have completed public soliciting opinions, and the general outpatient payment ratio of medical insurance for employees in various places will be announced soon. After the implementation of the Measures, the reimbursement treatment of outpatient clinics will be further improved, which can be reversed as the phenomenon of reimbursement of "small disease hospitalization", which will also help guide patients to classify diagnosis and treatment.

"Outpatient Affairs Guarantee" is even more new to Guangdong. According to the reporter's understanding, Guangdong Province has established an outpatient protection system as early as 2004. It is one of the provinces that have been established in the country to establish the system. It accounted for more than 90%, and the "80%of the regional coordinating regions established an employee medical insurance outpatient protection mechanism for the establishment of the state" required by the state. Therefore, this reform, Guangdong's focus is not to establish a general outpatient overall planning system, but on the original basis, under the premise that the enterprise and employees do not need to increase the payment, the proportion of personal accounts is adjusted to enhance the coordinated fund co -foundation. Moving benefits to further improve the benefit of each insured's outpatient clinic.

Cultivation for grassroots

High -quality medical talent

At present, the demand for medical service resources in rural areas is increasing, and the weaving of rural residents' medical security for medical services is very important for consolidating the results of poverty alleviation, preventing returning to poverty due to illness, and promoting rural revitalization. In 2022, the province proposed in ten people's livelihood practices that this year's task is to order or more household registration to recruit more than 2,000 household registration as undergraduate and specialist students in northern Guangdong and western Guangdong. And living expenses.

In fact, since 2014, Guangdong Province has officially launched the order of ordering of orders to cultivate rural health talents. According to statistics, a batch of high -quality medical talents who have been able to go to the grass -roots medical institutions in the western Guangdong and western Guangdong and western Guangdong in the west of the province will be cultivated from 400 people in 2014 to 2022 2360 people helped improve the service capabilities of primary medical and health institutions in the province and achieved staged results.

According to reports, in order to strengthen the training of targeted medical students, the province has identified 10 designated medical schools including Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shantou University Medical College, Guangdong Medical University, Guangdong Medicine University, Shaoguan College, Jiaying College Specialty training tasks. The directional medical students enroll in the localization, and the training direction is clearly the general doctor. During the school study, tuition fees are exempted, accommodation fees are exempt, and living expenses are 6,300 yuan/person/year. After graduation, he will return to the service unit for 6 years. The number of graduates in 2021 was 671, and the employment resettlement rate reached 99.25%.

By 2021, the provincial financial investment exceeds 38.024 million yuan, recruiting 8,606 orientation medical students (of which 1910 have graduated and 6,696 students) are recruited. People, average 6-7 targeted medical students for each primary medical and health institution, have become the main channel for training training in primary medical and health talents in the province. The Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission stated that it will continue to do a good job in the training needs of Guangdong's talent training, continue to train medical student projects, continue to expand the scale of enrollment, and improve the quality of targeted medical students. Supervise the implementation of employment resettlement of targeted medical graduates, promote the improvement of primary medical and health services in the province and the high -quality development of health and health undertakings.

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