Summer public security cracking down on "100 -day action" | Xingyi public security strict investigation of drunk drunk drunk drunk results well

Author:Southwestern Guizhou Public Se Time:2022.07.28

Author | Lu Weiwei

In the "Hundred Days of Action" in summer public security, the Xingyi Traffic Police of Guizhou Province centralized the illegal act of drunk driving, and strived to prevent and resolve the risk of major traffic safety hazards, create a safe and smooth transportation environment, and held peace for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to create peace. Stable social environment.

On the evening of June 28, Wang Moumou, who had dinner with friends in the Ouishan Restaurant in Xingyi City, felt that the dinner place and the hotel were very close to the hotel. Unexpectedly, the car did not drive too far, and met the night challenge.

After the alcohol test of the traffic police on duty, Wang Moumou's result was 81mg/100ml. He was suspected of illegal drunk driving. He was taken to the hospital for blood testing by the traffic police. The identification results were indeed drunk. In addition, Wang Moumou was revoked in 2021 and was revoked by drunk driving and was sentenced to two months of detention by the Xingyi City People's Court. No motor vehicle driving license is allowed within 5 years.

In the continuous investigation of drunk drunk driving violations, the Xingyi Traffic Police further clarified the key periods and important sections of the inspection and exploitation of the investigation and punishment according to the laws of traffic accidents. At the same time, through the combination of correction and publicity, the safety education of the driver runs through the entire investigation and punishment process, and vigorously publicize the harmfulness of serious traffic violations such as drunk driving and drunk driving. Key vehicles, as well as outstanding traffic violations such as unlicensed driving, poisoning, speeding, super -speed, overloading, overloading, fatigue driving, etc., and enhanced the consciousness of drivers to comply with traffic regulations.

Beginning on July 2nd, Xingyi Traffic Police set up 8 different temporary inspection points for 10 consecutive days. A total of more than 7,200 vehicles were checked. Starting, super -driving 18, 9 illegal motorcycles, 12 other illegal illegal, 28 detention of motor vehicles, 30 detained driving books, and received good rectification results.

Police reminder:

Drunk drinking, driving and dangerous. Driving "cost" is high, and the discipline and law must be remembered! According to the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law, drunk driving and drunk driving traffic violations must pay heavy legal costs.

Drinking driving: Temporarily deduct 6 months of motor vehicle driving license, 1,000-2000 yuan fines, with 12 points at a time.

Drinking again: Detention for less than 10 days, fines of 1,000-2000 yuan, revoked driving license.

Major traffic accidents in drinking and drunk driving constitute a crime: criminal responsibility, revoking driving licenses, and banning driving for life.

Drinking driving motor vehicle: detention on the 15th, a fine of 5,000 yuan, revoking the driver's license, and not allowing the driver's license within 5 years.

Drunk driving: Regardless of whether the plot is harsh or whether the consequences are harsh, they are detained for 1 to 6 months for dangerous driving. At the same time, the driver's license is revoked, and the driver's license shall not be re -examined within 5 years.

Drunk driving operating motor vehicles: restricted to wine wake -up, revoked motor vehicle driving licenses, and investigated criminal responsibility. At the same time, it is not allowed to obtain a motor vehicle driver's license within 10 years, and the driver's license shall not be driven after the driver's license will be obtained.

At all times, the law is in awe of the law, consciously adhering to the concept of "driving without drinking, drinking without driving", eliminating hidden safety hazards and avoiding accidents is the best option. Safe travel and civilization and law are the right way.

Edit | Zou Yingying

Review | Li Yamei

Source | News Center of Guizhou Public Security Bureau

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