Published by China 丨 Shaanxi Police was carried out by a criminal suspect to run into a public duty due to public

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.07.28

China Net, July 28th According to the Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Department, at 15:00 on July 27, 2022, Chen Yong, deputy director of Xicheng Police Station of Xianyang Xingping City Public Security Bureau, was criminal when arrested suspected suspects of telecommunications network fraud criminalsThe suspect was seriously injured and was seriously injured. He was invalid after rescue. Unfortunately, he died at the age of 43.After the case, the public security organs were fully investigated. The suspects involved in the fugitives have been brought to justice.

Chen Yong, male, Han nationality, born in May 1979, member of the Communist Party of China, joined the public security work in August 2000, and successively worked in the Economic Crime Investigation Brigade and Nanshi Police Station in the Xingping Public Security Bureau., Served as deputy director, second -level police supervisor rank, three -level sheriff.Due to outstanding work performance, Comrade Chen Yong has been rated as "Excellent Communist Party Member" and "Excellent Police" by Xingping Public Security Bureau many times.The bureau was rated as the "Outstanding Police in the City". In 2019, 2019, 2019, and 20121, they have been rated as outstanding civil servants for three consecutive years.

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