Stick to the post under the scorching sun!This group of Putuo people use sweat to play a beautiful city "face value"

Author:Shanghai Putuo Time:2022.07.28

In July, Yan Yan continued to "burn" the earth. Although the hot summer weather has brought huge challenges to the classification of domestic waste, Putuo Sanitation People persisted as usual. They did not relax and strictly implement the operating standards, so that domestic garbage is still classified and orderly. Bring a neat environment.

Just after 7 in the morning, the operators responsible for recycling were busy. They drove to the recycling of recycling and recycling of recyclables in various residential areas, while going to Putuo District recyclable transit stations to conduct follow -up clearance.

Provide recyclable services to the residential area

As the staff in the transit station complete the weight, the "blue whale" operator responsible for recyclable objects will load the items, transport it to the company's distribution field, and then "check in" acceptance, upload metering data and related related The information is handled by the operator uniformly according to the process.

Uniform treatment recyclable

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is the most "poisonous" at this moment. Even if you stand in the shaded domestic garbage compression station, the staff of the hands and feet is soaked.

Rotate dry garbage after scanning the code

At this moment, in front of them is a wave of dried garbage that arrives. After completing the "place code" scanning and delivery, the relevant processing machinery will automatically send the dry garbage to the large compressed box. After the compressed box is filled, it will be transferred to the transport vehicle, and it is finally transported to the city -level domestic garbage disposal terminal for processing. Daily night, after the launch period passes, the Puhuan staff will go to the damp garbage delivery points of the residential areas and shops along the street to recycle and clear the humid waste produced, and then collect them uniformly after the transfer.

Staff transport wet garbage

Increase the operating frequency to ensure the living environment

In order to reduce the problem of wet garbage environment that is easily caused by high temperature in summer, operators will also increase their work, carry out secondary cleaning at the day of the day to shorten the storage time of wet garbage. After the wet garbage clearance vehicle arrives, all the garbage in the barrel is loaded with the help of the automatic lifting device. The entire process is efficient, standardized, and orderly, which reduces everyone's work intensity.

Compared with dry garbage, wet garbage, and recyclables, the current harmful garbage is small, but the harmful garbage deposit on the north road of Kaixuan is still "open" twice a week. After the staff collects harmful waste, the recipients in the order will carry out subsequent disposal. Careful staff will also pick out some packaging boxes on the abandoned lamp to avoid waste of resources and improve resource recovery efficiency.

Harmic waste disposal is orderly

In order to do a good job of logistical support for the "Puhuan people", relevant departments have delivered cool drinks such as cold drinks and salt vapor water for operators; ; Reasonably adjust the outdoor operation time, avoid high temperature periods, and shorten the continuous operation time; improve mechanized operations, increase the efforts of road mechanization, reasonably reduce the intensity of manual operation, improve the operating environment, protect the "beautician" of each city "beautician" Health and safety.

Stick to the post under the scorching sun

Although the hot weather continues, the Putuo Sanitation people who are fighting on the front line are not afraid of the high temperature "baking" inspection, always adhere to posts, standardize homework, bring a better living environment to the citizens, and continuously improve the sense of gain of the residents and the masses. , Happiness and satisfaction. (Putuo garbage classification)

- END -

[Long picture] Summer high temperature fire prevention department post, come over ~

Drawing: Wang Cui

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