Mom!Because of this, Aunt Yiliang's mood even danced in the square dance

Author:Leping Public Security Time:2022.07.28

"The clothes you buy can not send the goods due to the epidemic,

We will refund 80 yuan for you. "

"You make a mistake, you need to apply for it,

If it is not lifted, it will be 500 yuan per month! "

If you receive "platform customer service"

This kind of call may not be believed


What if the old man in the family receives it?


The liar has been staring at your parents who will buy online

How many old people's "old -age money"

Even the "coffin book" was deceived

This is not

Aunt Wang, Kunming Yiliang

I encountered online shopping refund fraud

More than 50,000 yuan

real case scenario

Not long ago, Aunt Wang received a call from a short video customer service when playing a mobile phone at home.

The other party told her that the clothes she had purchased on the platform could not be shipped because of the epidemic. Now the platform will refund the compensation for Aunt Wang and be able to withdraw 80 yuan.

Aunt Wang did not doubt him, thinking that he could return the original model, but soon she received another call.

The other party asked her to open the Alipay backup money.

"You have made a mistake. We have applied for lifting it. If you don't release it, you will pay 500 yuan a month, and you will pay more cumulative."

Hearing the other party to say this, Aunt Wang's heart: This is not good! Then ask the other party how to operate?

After adding a WeChat signal called "Golden Service 00889", the customer service said: "If you apply for it for you or not, it will not be relieved. Your bank card is risky. We need to give you account guarantee."

After that, Aunt Wang set up his mobile phone number under the instability of the other party. He also downloaded the APP of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Construction Bank and registered and logged in to give the other party verification code.

After being transferred tens of thousands of yuan in succession, the other party told Aunt Wang that her two cards had been guaranteed, and there was no risk now.

At this step, the scammers who were difficult to fill in were still trying to deceive. They asked Aunt Wang to download the Jingdong APP, saying that this money made Jingdong customer service guarantee to Aunt Wang.

Under the other party's instability, Aunt Wang recharged 3,200 yuan to WeChat, and withdrew 4044 yuan to the bank card, and paid 4,000 yuan to buy a JD Store recharge card.

"Congratulations, you have certified 50%now, and you need to prepare a certification funds of 2,000 yuan to the account to lift the loan relationship on the account."

Why do you have to give money? At this time, Aunt Wang finally realized that it was wrong, but more than 50,000 yuan had been transferred by the scammer.

After Aunt Wang's son, Mr. Li, immediately called the police and took Aunt Wang to the police station for help.

Anti -fraud guide


Customer service generally does not take the initiative to request a refund

Under normal circumstances, consumers will receive goods as scheduled after shopping, and e -commerce customer service will not take the initiative to submit a refund request. Therefore, once you receive the refund request from the customer service after the online shopping, no matter what the other party is out of the reason, you must mention the vigilance, because this is likely to be a scam. In the case of this situation, we should communicate more with family and friends, and consult the official customer service platform of e -commerce as soon as possible. Do not trust the "customer service" you contact you in other ways.


Can't click the link from strangers casually

The return of all e -commerce platforms has a certain process, and the entire process should be completed on the e -commerce platform. Therefore, do not easily click on the refund link from a stranger, because these links are likely to be carefully designed by scammers that are very similar to the e -commerce platform. You must know that these fishing websites will require victims to enter personal information such as identity numbers and bank accounts, and once they enter, these personal information will be mastered by the scammers behind them to implement fraud.


Online shopping should raise awareness of prevention

When shopping online, we must raise awareness of prevention. Once a refund call from the "customer service personnel" should be kept, we must keep calm and communicate with the seller through the e -commerce platform in a timely manner. Don't easily believe in any link sent by the other party, let alone provide personal information at will. At the same time, the mobile phone SMS verification code is equivalent to a "disposable password". As long as it is a stranger to call the SMS verification code, it is a scammer. Do not believe that for those who often buy it online, they should Dedicated card, don't put too much money inside, in case similar situations can also reduce losses.

How to teach the elderly in the family to "play mobile phones" correctly?

- END -

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