Responsibilities to carry the value of the mission to show the value -the first -line outstanding Communist Party members of Guiding County's grass -roots level scanning

Author:Yunqiannan Time:2022.07.28

Wu Bo and the students do a good job in the group branch work together

Mo Dongsen's home visits to farmers

Huang Fengjun understands what the masses want to think at the masses' meeting

Ouyang Jin actively participates in the work of the masses

In recent years, the majority of party members of Guiding County consciously put their mission on their hearts, carry responsibilities on their shoulders, pursue the officers as their own value, internalize them into their own value, and in the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all -round way, Dourage to fight for the first time.

Wu Bo: Do ​​a good job in characteristic vocational education to practice the pioneer mission of educating people

On the day of joining the party, he faced the bright red party flag solemnly to make a promise in his heart: In the future, he must be a glorious people's teacher and be selflessly dedicated to the Communist Party members.

In 2015, Wu Bo, who had a bloody blood, came to work in Guiding secondary vocational schools. At this time, he had been 5 years since he joined the party in 2010.

As a party member, Wu Bo insisted on fulfilling the duties of a people's teacher with action and practicing the loyalty of a Communist Party member for education. Through the party building+education and teaching model, he actively played the role of the pioneering model of party members and kept in mind Lide At the beginning of the tree people, the mission of making soul -casting and educating people, effectively grasping special vocational education, and practicing the mission of educating people.

Wu Bo said: "In June of this year, I served as Secretary of the Second Party Branch of the Second Party Branch of the Secondary Vocational School of Guiding County. With a brand new identity, since the party joined the party for 12 years, I have been using the work table as my standard. As a leader of the party building brands of the technical Shuangxin, the role of the party's general branch, the role of the general party branch, and explore a service model that uses professional schools to open a professional carrier, adopt the service model of walking out of campus, entering the masses, and the society. Take the lead, volunteer service is fully integrated into the various tasks of the county. "

In addition to serving as the secretary of the school's second party branch, Wu Bo also has a identity of the school branch branch, which gives his youthful power another place. The school pays attention to the development of professional characteristics. Wu Bo uses theoretical to arm his mind and improve himself with rich knowledge. Since he serves as the secretary of the school league committee, the group building brand is at the forefront of the county. In May 2022, he was awarded the "Qiannan Prefecture May Fourth Red Flag League Committee" and "Qiannan Prefecture May 4th Red Banner Group Branch".

In May 2022, Wu Bo was awarded the title of "Qiannan Prefecture Outstanding Communist Youth League cadre"; in June of this year, he spewed on behalf of the Guizhou Province to participate in an online symposium organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure of the League of the League.

Wu Bo explored many innovative things from the party building and group construction, allowing students to join the school construction activities, plant red seeds from the campus, and vigorously promote the school's spiritual construction and cultural construction.

Although he has a number of positions, he has not delayed the professional courses. His students have a high satisfaction rate and have a good teaching effect. Wu Bo has always maintained the advanced nature of Communist Party members. It is a teacher who adheres to the original intention of education and will work as the ultimate work.

He said: "As a party member, my job is ordinary, but I think it is very meaningful. Vocational education is a colorful, diverse, and temperature education. In the future work, I will use the professional characteristics of vocational schools to establish the professional characteristics of vocational schools and establish it to establish the professional characteristics of the vocational school to establish Target awareness, conscientious planning, and focusing on the work of building the connotation of party building leaders to do more practical things to promote the high -quality development of the school's cause. "

Mo Dongsen: Loyalty to practice party members' mission and responsibility to seek happiness for the masses

He is an ordinary cadre, and he is also the first secretary of Xinfeng Village, Panjiang Town. His name is Mo Dongsen.

As a "90", Mo Dongsen took the strengthening of grass -roots party building and team building as a finger street light in the work of the village, and strived to carry out the responsibilities and mission of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation. Practicing the mission of party members for private affairs ", so that the most beautiful youth blooms on the front line of the countryside.

Xinfeng Village is located in the southwest of Guiding County, about 30 kilometers from the county town. The original Xinfeng Village, the industrial development model is single, the road is not smooth, the environment and supporting facilities in the village are backward, and the rural style needs to be improved. In 2016, he just went to work in Xinfeng Village. At that time, Mo Dongsen, a member of the ordinary village, faced a lot of problems that needed urgent solutions.

After entering the village, Mo Dongsen did not stop for a moment, began a field investigation, and visited the masses.

The villagers reported that Tongcun Highway was unreasonable, which greatly affected the development of the village industry, and everyone's desire for road construction was urgent. After listening to everyone's demands, it strengthened the determination of Mo Dongsen's road to cultivate the road. As a result, Mo Dongsen formulated a work plan based on the actual situation in the village. On the one hand, he grasped the team to bring the team to stimulate the enthusiasm of the cadres of the village branch. road.

Now, in the past 6 years, the Tongtong Village Highway, the village group and the households of the village have been completed. The villagers are happy in their eyes, and the development of the industry is even more rushing.

The first secretary of the village must not only solve the crowd's urgency, but also pave the way for the development of the village. Mo Dongsen said: "Xinfeng Village was a passing road at that time, the road road was not improved, and the people's travel was very inconvenient. Through the efforts of the past few years, Xinfeng Village's current group roads and joint household roads were all realized. cover."

Mo Dongsen believes that the road problems in the village have been resolved, and there must be industrial support to make the masses more happy and gain.

According to the superior natural conditions of Xinfeng Village and the wishes of the masses, the two committees of Mo Dongsen and the village branch actively strived to introduce Guizhou China Investment Guigou Company in June 2018 to build a "Dagin Mountains" cherry -poverty alleviation industry base in Xinfeng Village At the same time, vigorously develop vegetables and mulberry plantations. Nowadays, there are industries in Xinfeng Village, and the appearance of village Rongcun has also changed gratifying. Mo Dongsen said that there was no leading industry in Xinfeng Village. After arriving at the village, his "two committees" work team in the village branch to collect the willingness of the masses to collect the development of the masses, and discussed the help of the counties and towns in the "two committees" of the village branch. Under the guidance of the support, more than 400 acres of cherry blossom planting was introduced; more than 2,000 people worked in the masses to help the village dividend 114,800 yuan. At the same time, 125 acres of mulberry mulberry with poverty alleviation workshops are expected to increase their income for nearly 100,000 yuan for Xinfeng Village each year.

The people watching the industrial development in the village is getting better and better, and they also support the industry in the village.

Transportation has been improved, and the industry has also developed. With the 1 million modern pig farming circular industry chain project, it has also settled in Xinfeng Village, which has given villagers hope on the way to get rich and galloping.

Huang Fengjun: The original intention does not change the responsibility

Where there is a party flag, there are party members. In the Fulai Community of Jinnan Street, Guiding County, Huang Fengjun used the pursuit of the original intention and mission of practicing party members, and silently spilled his sweat in ordinary posts.

In August 2021, according to the organization arrangement, Huang Fengjun adjusted to the Fulai community as the secretary of the branch. In the community management service work, Huang Fengjun led the two communities to continue to work hard in the community management work in the new era. He has won honors such as "Excellent Party Workers", "Excellent Distance Education Management Station", "Outstanding Communist Party Members" and "Good Director around the masses".

Fulai Community, as the largest ground poverty alleviation and relocation place in Guiding County, most of the people from the relocated people come from remote mountainous areas with relatively lagging economic development. The masses are different in folk culture, living habits, and labor methods. Some people's livelihood issues, the neighbors are not like each other when they move out of the place, and often have some new contradictions.

Huang Fengjun, who is the first person in the community, knows the responsibility on his shoulders. How difficult is it easy to really build and develop the second article in the second half of the community. Starting from myself, I always take the "Easy Earth Poverty Alleviation and Relocation Five System Construction of Five Systems" as the starting point, lead the community committees to find ways and find the way, and actively develop the community's collective economy. Realize the foundation of being able to become rich.

After the two committees of the community, Huang Fengjun actively organized residents representatives to produce autonomous organizations such as the Fulai Home Industry Committee, the Red and White Council, and the Youth Gang Volunteer Service Team in accordance with the procedures. The "work mechanism, often invites the relocated people to discuss solving some mass public events, hand over the initiative to the masses, allow the relocated people to play the role of" owner ", and stimulate the internal life of the relocated people to participate in community construction and community governance work. In the middle, "the masses of the masses and the masses of the masses."

"As a branch secretary, what the masses think are the direction and goals of my work. I will do the work of the masses as always to make happiness for the masses."

In his work, Huang Fengjun insisted on the responsibilities and responsibilities of not forgetting his original intention and keeping his mission. He performed the ordinary position of a social worker in a good job, and won the praise and recognition of the masses.

As of now, Fulai relocated the masses to output nearly 1,500 people through the community committees. It is currently being prepared to build a poverty alleviation workshop. It is expected that the incubation park project will be implemented to introduce poverty alleviation workshop equipment, subsequent orders, sales markets, etc., and further reserve left -over. Labor to stabilize employment.

"Through the owner's committee, we effectively integrate the public resources of the Fulai community and have been recognized by the general public. I believe that the common people will be governed by common governance, and the people of Fulai Home will live happily for a long time." Talking about the community's community Management and development, Huang Fengjun said.

Ouyang Jin: Delow the responsibility to make youth more shiny

Drop slightly light can become a star sea. Everyone wrote wonderful in their respective posts in the beautiful star seas of Star. In Xingba, Xinba Town, Guiding County, there is such a Communist Party member. She has no touching stories or great achievements. Some are only a young girl who perfectly interpreted youth, responsibility and dedication -Ouyang Jin.

On May 14, 2021, it was the first time that Ouyang Jin had reported to Xingfu Village, Xinba Town. From that day, she officially invested in the work of rural rejuvenation. After arriving at Xingfu Village, she became an informationman in the village in Xingba, Xingba Town, and was mainly responsible for the unblocking information between the two levels of the town and village and the implementation of various policies for benefiting the people.

From the beginning of the blame at the beginning to the later, the time was like the flowing sand holding in his hand was fleeting. Unconsciously, Ouyang Jin had been in the village in Xingfu Village for more than a year. During this period, she carefully studied various policies to benefit the people and the people in order to better serve the masses.

"Most of the working hours, I sit in the office to deal with computers and various forms and materials. Usually sitting is a whole day." When talking about his work in the village, Ouyang Jin opened the box. "Modifying, sorting, and reporting information over and over again, and finally seeing that the masses can enjoy policy dividends, I really feel very happy in my heart." Promoting the spirit of volunteer and practicing behaviors of the country. As a member of the Communist Party, while Ouyang Jin completed the daily village affairs work, he actively played the role of the pioneering model of party members, repeatedly participated in the collective volunteer service activities, and listened to the voice of the masses with your heart and affection. To do practical things and do good deeds, let the concept of serving the people become a practical energy, and adhere to the original intention and mission of a Communist Party member at the moment of actual actions.

"Highlighting your youthful power and practicing the responsibility" is Ouyang Jin's insistence, and she is also a diligent and aggressive portrayal since she participated in her work. It fully shows the spiritual style and responsibility of the new youth.

Ouyang Jin said: "In the next work, I will give full play to the role of party members' model leaders, actively participate in the job position, do a good job of uploading and uploading the work, and fully cooperate with the major tasks of the village."

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