Encourage young people to participate in rural rejuvenation, 20 measures are ready!

Author:Shanxi Daily New Media Time:2022.07.28

Shanxi Daily New Media Comprehensive Report on July 27th, the reporter learned from the Provincial Party Committee that in order to organize the mobilization of the provincial league organizations at all levels and the majority of members of the league to participate in rural rejuvenation, in 2022, the Youth League Provincial Party Committee will implement 20 measures to help rural youth Talent growth.

The Youth League and Provincial Party Committee will continue to carry out 14 measures such as rural youth e -commerce cultivation projects, implementing rural youth skills improvement, and deepening of the "Youth and Fixing" actions to cultivate local talents in the countryside, serve outsiders return home, mobilize social talents For the pioneering point of township, help rural youth talents to grow, help rural youth start a business, choose a tree to recognize the advanced youth models in the field of "three rural areas", and guide the mobilization of the majority of young people to actively participate in rural revitalization. Among them, in the work of rural youth e -commerce cultivation projects, it will rely on the regional e -commerce platform and youth entrepreneurial demonstration park of cooperative companies to focus on the training of young e -commerce "village broadcasts" talent in our province. 5,000 youth e -commerce companies; in the implementation of rural youth skills improvement operations, in the relatively concentrated agricultural, construction, service and other industries in rural youth, they will conduct skill training for rural youth in combination with employment needs. ; In the special service of "rural revitalization of youth to return to the country", college students who are facing the two years of graduation will help no less than 50 entrepreneurial projects to apply for fund support for 15,000 yuan (each).

In addition, in order to help the construction of rural society and encourage the vast number of rural youth to actively create rural rejuvenation youth teams. The Youth League and Provincial Party Committee will also give full play to the advantages of the Communist Youth League's organizationalization and mobilization, continue to promote 6 measures such as the "Beautiful Shanxi · Youth Action", organizing the "Youth Like Sound" preaching activities, and the implementation of the new era hopes. , Xuelian, Youth Social Organization, and Youth New Economic Organizations, such as youth organizations to serve rural revitalization, help rural social construction, and help students in difficult students to academic studies. Among them, in the implementation of the new era hope project work, in 2022, there will be no less than 8,000 students in difficult families. At the same time, the Youth League and Provincial Party Committee will continue to build the "Pony Growth Plan" and "Zhenxin Plan" brand project. Focusing on software support to "people" with hardware assistance to "people".


1. Continue to carry out rural youth e -commerce cultivation projects, and will rely on the regional e -commerce platform and youth entrepreneurial demonstration park of cooperative companies to focus on the training of young e -commerce "village broadcasts" talent in our province. Essence

2. Implementing rural youth skills improvement operations, combined with employment needs, 10,000 people in 2022.

3. Deepening the "Youth and Fixing" action will promote the construction of "students returning to the nest workstation" in key colleges and universities across the country.

4. Optimize the implementation of college students' volunteer service western plans, and recruit volunteers to the key counties of rural rejuvenation to help counties, and engage in services such as rural education, rural construction, healthy rural areas, grass -roots youth work, and rural social governance.

5. Carry out the social practice activities of the "Three Losses" in the summer of college students.

6. Carry out the publicity and selection promotion activities of youth, and select 100 outstanding rural youth models.

7. Fair the "Green Horse Project" rural classes and high -quality young farmers training courses in Shanxi in 2022, incorporate rural revitalization work into the "Green Horse Project" training content, and select and cultivate young backbones in agriculture and rural areas. At the same time, the Provincial Department of Agricultural and Rural Affairs held a 2022 high -quality young farmers training course.

8. Hold the ninth "Chuang Youth" Shanxi Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and will set up a "rural revitalization" track to attract young talents in all aspects to rural entrepreneurial innovation.

9. Holding the "Revitalization Cup" in the province's professional skills contest in 2022, it will tilt to agricultural unique types of workers in the competition.

10. Help youth employment, integrate all kinds of resources, organize large -scale online and offline job fairs in the Shanxi Communist Youth League, collect and publish no less than 20,000 job information.

11. Implement the Communist Youth League to promote the employment operation of college students, and will strengthen the employment assistance of low -income family students in general colleges and universities, help no less than 2,100 graduates to find jobs, and make good use of "group micro employment" and other information platforms.

12. Promote the live broadcast of "Qingyun China" live broadcast, take live activities as a traction, and carry out a series of activities such as green development, old district construction, national unity, rural cultural tourism, farmers' harvest festivals, fixed -point assistance, etc. Essence Carry out the "China Youth Nun" live broadcast to help agricultural activities to promote the online transaction volume of agricultural products.

13. Carry out special services for "rural rejuvenation youth to return to their hometowns", for college students who have been able to start a business within 2 years of graduation, and drive more than one employment for the first time, and have a normal tax record in industry and commerce 15,000 yuan (each) fund support. Mobilize the county region youth entrepreneurial organizations and youth entrepreneurs in various fields to learn series of cloud classes such as "digital merchants".

14.优化“青创板”推荐挂牌政策,高质量推动青年创新创业企业在山西“青年创业板”展示培育,年度新增挂牌企业不少于240家,重点关注先进种植养殖技术、农产品加工及Related industries in the fields of sales, agricultural socialization services, rural tourism and other fields, especially in terms of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and driving mature models such as rural revitalization.

15. Strengthen the standardization of grass -roots group organizations.

16. Continue to promote the "Beautiful Shanxi Youth Action", and will carry out the preaching of youth ecological civilization education and promote the "protecting the mother river" clean beach. 17. Hold the "Youth Rhythm Sound" preaching activity.

18. Implement the new era hope project, no less than 8,000 students who have funded difficulties, create a "Pony Growth Plan" and "Zhenxin Plan" brand project, and help the work focus on the hardware of "things" to follow " "Human" software support transfer.

19. Deepen the implementation of the "Children's Heart Harbor" project of the Communist Youth League, continue to promote the care of the rural left -behind children, migrant workers, children, and facts of unmanned children such as Lingqiu, Shilou, and Linxian County. Help work, carry out no less than 400 activities, and accumulate no less than 10,000 left -behind children.

20. Continue to carry out the "partner plan" to poverty alleviation and relocate the resettlement community project, to provide professional social work services for college guidance, psychological guidance, employment guidance, policy publicity, social integration, etc. for the youth of the resettlement area, and carry out professional social work services. The field, with a total of not less than 5,000 adolescents.

Source: Shanxi Evening News

Edit: Wang Jiayuan

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