It's for travel!Disease control experts suggest that the following personnel avoid non -necessary travel

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.28

At present, the global new crown epidemic still shows a trend of spread. There are still local case reports in some regions of China, and the situation of prevention and control is still severe and complicated. Since July, there have been popular epidemics across the country. Disease control experts reminded that the epidemic prevention and control notes are not relaxed in health. Remind the general public not only pay close attention to changes in the epidemic situation when traveling in the summer, but also do not forget to tighten the string of the epidemic prevention and control and enhance personal protection awareness.

It is recommended that when traveling during the holidays, it is best to do a good tour guide in advance. Before traveling, you can understand the dynamics of the destination and specific prevention and control policies, and report to the community (village) and units where the destination is located in advance. Areas and areas with local epidemic reports are recommended to choose short -distance short -distance travel; do a good job before travel, understand the situation of scenic spots in advance, and try to choose a good ventilation scenic spot; choose an online appointment to avoid the peak hours of scenic spots, peak travel travel Essence In particular, avoiding diseases with illness. Those who have clinical symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat within 7 days before travel, try to avoid non -necessary travel; elderly people, patients with chronic diseases, pregnant women and other people are not recommended for travel.

Keep personal protection awareness at all times during the journey, pay attention to carrying masks with you, and correctly regulate wearing masks. Especially for public transportation such as airplanes, passenger cars, and high -speed rail, we must wear masks in the toilet in the highway service area and when they are densely crowded. When waiting in line in the stations, scenic spots, service areas and other places, pay attention to maintaining a safe distance with others by more than 1 meter; try to avoid people gathering together when visiting the scenic area. Keep your hands hygienic during the period of time, do not touch and bump everywhere; follow the respiratory etiquette, cough or sneeze, cover with elbows or paper towels; wash your hands in time after toilet; use electronic payment when paying to reduce contact with contact when paying to reduce contact with contact. Essence

Try to choose hotels and hotels with good sanitary conditions and complete ventilation facilities. After check -in, open windows and ventilation. During the journey, reduce the number of meals on transportation. If you have to dine, avoid dining face to face with other passengers, do not talk during meals; it is recommended to use public chopsticks to reduce cross -infection. Remind everyone that it is necessary to record the travel itinerary, including the time, time and seat number of public transportation such as airplanes, trains, and the name of the restaurant or accommodation hotel name, address, counterpart name and other information.

After returning home, pay attention to the reporting of nucleic acids in time, replace, clean jackets, pants, etc., use 75%alcohol -spraying suitcases and mobile phones; handwashing. After the return of the trip, citizens should do a good job of health management and 7 -day self -health monitoring according to the relevant epidemic prevention requirements, and advocate the "two days and two inspections" of nucleic acids (back) personnel from other cities. If symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, and weakness, wearing a disposable medical mask and the above -class mask should be worn in time to check and diagnose the nearest clinic in a timely manner. At the same time, pay close attention to the dynamics of the epidemic. After the return journey, if you find that you or your family have visited the central, high -risk areas and areas with local epidemic reports for nearly 7 days, you must take the initiative to report to the community (village) and units in the community as soon as possible, and cooperate with it to do a good job of doing a good job. Corresponding epidemic prevention and control measures. During the period, we gathered less and less, less, and reducing unnecessary dinner gatherings, and less densely personnel.

Supply: Wang Jiangli, a reporter from Xi'an Newspaper, Wang Jiangli

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