Nanyang Public Security Bureau Supervision Detachment: "August 1st" visit to condolences to love warm veterans Nanyang News Time:2022.07.28 (Elephant Journalist Zhang Ding You Correspondent Guo Yinghui) In order to further promote the "decentralization of service+" activities, when the "August 1st" Army Festival is coming, on the morning of July 27, the Nanyang Public Security Bureau supervisory supervision The detachment went to the elderly home in Luohe Township, Wancheng District to conduct visits to condolences and condolences to veterans and greeting the veterans.

Due to various reasons, two veterans lived in Laohe Township, and the party committee of the detachment always paid attention to their lives and physical conditions.

"I really thank you", condolences to the scene, expressed cordial care to the two veterans of Wang and Li, and admired them to actively respond to the call of the motherland. The old man was very moved, holding everyone's hand tightly, thanking the regulatory detachment for their care and care, and thanking the government for not forgetting that they had paid.

At the scene, the doctor conducted a detailed examination for the two elderly people, measured blood pressure and blood sugar, etc., and asked them to take medicine on time. At the subsequent symposium, representatives of the detachment cadres Zhang Guangfu, Li Minggui, etc., shared the glorious years of fighting in the army with the elderly. Thanks to the Communist Party for their good policies, so that veterans can live a good life, and life is guaranteed.

In the end, everyone's emotional chorus revolutionary song "Unity is Power", condolences to the magnificent singing.

It is reported that Luohe Township's elderly home is the volunteer service point of the supervisory detachment. The party committee of the detachment has organized many times to do practical and good things for the elderly, especially the volunteers represented by Wang Sheng. Old man is unanimously praised by the elderly.

( Nanyang News Hotline: 18003713016, submitted mailbox: [email protected])

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