The Champions League faced Kyiv Dinore, Turkish fans shouted "Putin", but they were eventually killed

Author:Play a player Time:2022.07.28

The "devil home" of the Turkish club has a reputation on the Champions League. Fans of the country will always cheer for their home teams in a way to "welcome them to hell" in the game, that is, the torch, that is, the torch, the torch, the torch, the torch, the torch, the torch, the torch, Smoke, huge posters, and other means to put pressure on the visiting team.

In the just -played Champions League qualifier, the Ukraine team Kievy Dinamus led a good teachings to "welcome them to hell."

This is the second round of the second round of the Champions League qualifier this season. Kyiv Dinamo and Fernebache became 0-0 in the first round. In this game, this game came to Fernebache's home. Whoever can win Promoting the next round.

Kyiv's players collectively wore Ukraine flags to enter the court before the game. Faced with this team from Ukraine, Turkish fans' means of "welcoming them to hell" can be described as simple and rude. Fans shouted the name "Vladimir Putin". The best way to humiliate opponents in order to put pressure on this team from Ukraine.

The slogan of Turkish fans instantly upgraded the atmosphere of the game to a state of tension. The players of the two sides ate 13 yellow cards and 1 red card in the game. The scene was several times more popular than many so -called Derby Warfare.

Of course, using a means of humiliating the opponent in football games is a double -sided knife. It will make the opponent lose rationality, but it will also stimulate the opponent's fighting spirit. In this "melee combat", Kievy Denomo took the lead in the 57th minute by the local striker Byasky's goal. At the time of the 113rd minute, Kenvo's other local player Karavayev shot the ball with the goalkeeper into the goal in the penalty area. He killed this game underneath.

The practice of Turkish fans in the game has aroused strong dissatisfaction between Ukraine and Western Europe after the game. Some media even requested that European Federal Union punished Fernebac.

The team's punishment team can be followed by similar reasons. In the 2016 UEFA Champions League qualifiers, the Scottish Celtics fans raised the Palestinian flag at home against the Israeli team at home. fine.

According to the standard of punishment of the Celtics, Fernebache is likely to be fined, but it should not be banned.

After eliminating Fernebache, the next round of Kievine Dena's opponent in the Champions League qualifier is the Graz storm from Austria. If they can win in the next round, the team will decide with the winners of Monaco and Eindhoven. A qualification to advance to the Champions League this season.

After losing to Kievine Denimo, Fernebache will be transferred to the UEFA Cup. The team's next round will be from Slopzko in the Czech Republic.

Finally, let's take a look at the shocking scene of 50,000 Fichebache fans shouting "Vladimir Putin".

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