Pearl River Watching | You need to prepare more "cold" squares in response to high temperature "baking inspections"

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.07.28

Guangzhou high -temperature weather is still continuing. As of July 27, the high -temperature warning signal has been issued for 18 consecutive days in Guangzhou. Guangzhou Meteorological Department reminded that Guangzhou is still the longest high temperature process since 1951. Citizens should pay special attention to preventing the impact of high temperature on their own health. All relevant functional departments should also pay attention to the adverse effects of high temperature on power supply, breeding and air quality. (July 27, Guangzhou Daily Client)

How to describe how hot the weather in Guangzhou is now? "I was burned out of the orchid finger by the steering wheel after get off work." "The bath water is very hot. I thought my water heater temperature was too high. Looking up, I didn't even insert it." It is not difficult to see from the ridicule of netizens. The torture of "stir -fry", "oil sauce" and "steaming". Continuous high temperature is not only a "baking inspection" for people's physical tolerance, the "baking inspection" of government public service capabilities, but also a "baking test" for social civilization. To deal with high temperature "baking inspections", it is necessary to make a group force and prepare more "cool" squares.

One of the "cool" prescriptions of heatstroke is the laborers who care for high temperatures. In order to ensure the normal operation of the urban system, many workers have to stick to their jobs. We have to pay tribute to them and give them more care. This kind of care requires both spiritual encouragement and the guarantee of the institutional level. High -temperature labor protection, the state has clearly stipulated that the National Federation of Trade Unions has also issued the "Notice on Doing a Good House of Employees in 2022" to deploy the heatstroke and cooling work of employees. The Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Notice on Doing a good job in the maintenance of high -temperature weather labor rights and interests" on July 20. Employers must strictly implement relevant regulations, ensure the health of workers' physical health as the top priority. According to the work conditions, take get off work, and elastic to get off work, and try to arrange working hours and progress as humanely. , Keep the bottom line of high temperature labor protection according to regulations. Relevant departments should urge employers to implement these rights and interests in place, and effectively maintain the legitimate rights and interests of workers in high temperature weather.

The second part of the heatstroke prevention "cool" is to ensure the normal operation of cities in high temperature weather. In extreme weather, traffic safety and hazardous chemical safety risks rose sharply. At this time, especially the twelve -point spirit is needed to resolve various risks in advance with a high sense of responsibility to prevent secondary disasters caused by high temperature. It is necessary to strengthen road traffic safety management, strictly implement the relevant provisions of vehicle self -combustion prevention measures and high -temperature periods of high temperature transportation hazardous chemicals; strengthen the management of hazardous chemical storage operations, and do a good job of cooling and temperature control; Guide passengers to travel safely; to do a good job of urban fires and forest fire prevention work, prevent drowning incidents, and do a good job of power supply and water supply at high temperature.

The three -way prevention of the heatstroke prevention is the "umbrella" of the whole society. Coping high -temperature "baking inspections" is not just about enterprises and government departments, but the "parasol" should be built together in the whole society to bring more coolness. Units with conditions, such as banks and shopping malls may wish to set up caring tea rooms appropriately, provide drugs and herbal tea required for heatstroke and cooling, to help those in need; bus stations and other places may wish to configure spray cooling fans to make more people waiting for more cool people who are more cool. ; Everyone can start from themselves to make a force, such as keeping the phone unblocked to reduce the waiting of the courier's scorching sun; comply with the traffic rules and not add chaos to the duty. The more caring such care, the more cool it will bring to summer.

Text/Guangzhou Daily commentator Tan Mintu/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng reporter Gao Hetao Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City editor Hu Jun

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