The five -year plan of the construction of the rule of law in Shenzhen is introduced, and the construction of a demonstration city in the rule of law enters the fast lane

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.07.28

The rule of law is the core competitiveness of Shenzhen's urban development and a successful password for the high -quality development of Shenzhen's economic and social development. In 2021, the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee issued the "Construction Plan for the Law of the Law (2021-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). It has been announced to the society in full, and the grand blueprint for the construction of the rule of law for the next five years. "Planning" closely focuses on the construction of the strategic goal of building the rule of law with Chinese characteristics of the rule of law, scientifically deployed the construction of the rule of law in Shenzhen, forming a general blueprint, roadmap, and task book for the construction of the rule of law. The three principles of legislation in accordance with the law to create the safest, stable, fair and justice, and the best benchmark cities in the rule of law.

In April 2022, the Second Session of the Seventh National People's Congress of Shenzhen was held, and the Shenzhen government work report was released in 2022. The term "rule of law" appeared 23 times in the "Report". The "Planning" released this time has specially deployed accelerating the construction of the rule of law government as an important work. At present, the construction of the government's rule of law government has entered deep water and fast lanes. The "Planning" pushed the construction of the rule of law government to the depth of the depth of the departure, which can be described as highlights. For example, Shenzhen will continue to deepen the reform of the decentralization of the zone, further optimize the three levels of administrative functions of the city, district, and streets; continue to carry out the "reduction of certificate reduction" operations, improve the dynamic cleanup mechanism, comprehensively implement the certification matters notification system; establish a "government service experience experience experience experience experience Official "system; comprehensively promote the" one thing and one thing "model in the field of administrative approval.

Justice justice is the rule of law lifeline in Shenzhen, and it is also the driving force for the tide of reform. The "Planning" will fully implement the production of judicial responsibility as the primary measure to deepen the reform of the judicial system, which is specifically reflected in the implementation of judicial personnel and its responsibilities. The "Planning" stipulates the construction of a professional trial team and a collegial panel, improves the division mechanism and human resource allocation model, deepen the classification management of judicial personnel, and implement specific measures such as judicial responsibility identification and pursuit of the system. Responsibility is implemented. The "Planning" requires comprehensively carrying out the pilot reform of the new type of trial operation mechanism for civil, administrative, and criminal "three -in -one", continuously promotes the reform of criminal proceedings centered on trial, optimizes civil litigation judicial confirmation procedures, explores the scope of the applicable scope of the small amount of litigation procedures , Deepen the reform of the administrative litigation procedures, and explore the simplification of administrative referee documents.

Qianhai is the "Special Economic Zone in the Special Economic Zone", and Shenzhen has continuously cultivated new "plants" for "cuttings". On January 4, 2022, the Qianhai Shenzhen -Hong Kong International Legal Affairs District was officially opened to explore the way for the country's foreign -related Hong Kong and Macao rule of law. On May 23, 2022, the "Implementation Measures for the Gathering (Trial)" Legal service highland. Today, the release of the "Planning" has provided a basis and guidance for the construction of the former sea and Hong Kong International Legal Affairs Zone and promoting the exploration of the rule of law in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao.

The "Planning" stipulates that it is necessary to explore the application of Hong Kong law in the former sea -Shenzhen -Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone and the selection of Hong Kong as an arbitration place to resolve civil and commercial cases. Under the guidance of superiors, the pilot reform Qianhai implemented the joint venture between Chinese law firms and foreign law firms to promote superiors about Hong Kong legal practitioners and Macau practicing lawyers in the nine cities of the Mainland in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and the pilot of lawyers' careers. A new chapter of demonstration cities, and strive to create the "window" and "business cards" of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Yidi Xiaohong

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