The First Party Branch of Boxing Street Organs launched the "branch secretary lecture party lesson" activity

Author:Boxing Street Time:2022.07.28

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and in -depth understanding of the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of Beijing, and welcoming the 20th National Congress, on July 27, the first party branch of the Boxing Street Organization to carry out the theme party day and the theme party day of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party. The branch secretary lectures on party lessons. " Comrade Ma Xiangsheng, deputy secretary of the organs, chaired the meeting, and the party members and activists joined the party.

At the meeting, Comrade Chen Yongmei, the secretary of the organs of the organs, took the title of "The Spirit of the Party's Congress Conference to Promote the Development of the Street" to develop the spirit of the 13th Party Congress and the Economic Development Zone for 30 years. Combining the process, a vivid lesson for all party members and activists through three aspects: review, learning, and development. Through cases around them and simple language guidance, party members and cadres must be firmly believed in the party, and conscientiously implement the people -centered development ideas.

Subsequently, the branches collectively celebrated their political birthdays in July for the party's comrades in July and sent the party's care for them. The party member representative Li Min spoke in accordance with his own experience of joining his party, and said that he would continue to move forward, always the mission of his original intention, and positively contributed to the development of the street.

In the end, Comrade Chen Yongmei led all party members to revisit the party's oath. Through a solemn vow, revisiting the commitment determination, firm the original mission, and enhanced the awareness of party spirit.

Through the development of this theme party day event, further enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the party branch of the government, so that all party members and activists will firmly transform their ideals and beliefs into strong working motivation, and strive to promote the various work of the street to a new level. Welcome the 20th CPC victory of the party with excellent results!

Source: Boxing Street

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