convenient!Famous doctors come to the door of the house!The outpatient watch is here!

Author:Home in Drum Tower Time:2022.07.28

In order to further promote the medical reform work to meet the medical needs of the residents of the Gulou District, Gulou Wei Jian actively promoted the "thousands of doctors to the grassroots level" counter -level assistance work

Improve the level of diagnosis and treatment and comprehensive service capabilities of the grass -roots medical institutions in Gulou District

Thousands of doctors at the grassroots level are from provincial and cities such as the provincial hospitals, provincial hospitals, provincial hospitals, municipal hospitals, municipal hospitals, municipal hospitals, municipal children's hospitals, Meng Chao Hepan and Bile Hospital. In addition to the treatment, in addition to the treatment of the community health service centers of the Gulou, it provides a variety of support such as lectures and medical on -site for medical treatment, which has played an important role in promoting the comprehensive improvement of primary medical care and public health services.

Knowing that the doctors at the superior medical consortium came to the grassroots, the community residents who came to see the clinic and consulted the enthusiasm of the community rose in front of each doctor.

"It is too convenient to see so many experts at the door of the house and do ECG for free. It is really convenient to do B -ultrasound!" Aunt Zhang, who lives in Gulong Street, excitedly said that he learned that Gulou District carried out thousands of doctors in the grassroots at the grassroots level.

I and my wife came early in the morning

Consult all the diseases you want to see

"Back pain is an old problem

But I usually don't have time to work

Go to the hospital for consultation

Go to the big hospital for at least half a day

I heard my neighbors say that there are such activities and experts, and hurry up and ask the doctor to give me a branch. "

A big sister said.

Resident friends who need medical needs, don't miss this rare opportunity this time

Introduction to some attending physicians

Director Yan Ping

Fujian Second People's Hospital

Cardiovascular expert

Chief physician, part -time professor of Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, master tutor, and the third batch of provincial excellent Chinese medicine clinical talents in Fujian Province. Member of the Cardiovascular Disease Branch of the Chinese Medicine Society, chairman of the Heart Disease Branch of the Fujian Traditional Chinese Medicine Society, the 5th Council of the Board of Council of the Fujian Provincial Society, and the Standing Committee of the First Committee of the Popular Science Branch of the Fujian Provincial Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Good at: Traditional Chinese and Western medicine combined with cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, abnormal blood lipids, and arrhythmia.

Yang Bin Director

Fuzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Conscious pathogenic expert

The chief physician of the Department of Brain Diseases (Consident Disease), the Department of Brain Diseases of Fuzhou Hospital of Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a master's tutor, the national "One Two Five -Year Plan" key traditional Chinese and Western medicine specialist specialty training project, and the academic leader of the key encephalopathy of TCM Chinese medicine, Chinese ethnic medicine Executive director of the Society of Society Society, Standing Committee Member of the Fujian Provincial Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Society, Standing Committee Member of the Fujian Provincial Society of Chinese Medicine Society, Deputy Chairman of the Fuzhou Medical Association Neuroscience Branch, Deputy Director of the Integrated Society of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Society of Fuzhou Member.

He is good at diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases, treats stroke, headache, headache, dizziness, insomnia, memory loss, Parkinson syndrome, and carried out psychological counseling, passion Doppler and other work.

Director Jiang Yun

Fujian Provincial Hospital

Cardiovascular expert

Chief Physician of the Department of General Medicine of Fujian Provincial Hospital, director of the General Medicine Branch of the Fujian Straits Medical and Health Exchange Association, member of Fujian General Medicine Branch, and a member of the medical expert group of Fujian Provincial Hospital. Host two projects on the Natural Fund of Fujian Province. Good at treatment: elderly diseases, general diagnosis and treatment.

Deputy Chief Physician Huang Zuxiong

Fujian Medical University Meng Chao Hepatobiliary Hospital Hepatobiliary Department Expert

Doctor of Medicine, Deputy Director of Hepatology, Director of Non -Viral hepatitis Section, part -time associate professor and master's tutor of Fujian Medical University. He is good at comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of various types of acute and chronic hepatitis, incurable liver disease, autoimmune liver disease, liver cirrhosis and liver failure, and diagnosis and treatment of alcoholic liver disease and alcohol abstaining management, antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis and liver failure. Diagnosis and treatment. He is a youth member of the Chinese Medical Association Liver Disease Society, a member of the liver exemption and pharmaceutical liver group of the Chinese Medical Association, a member of the Chinese Medical Association Infectious Disease Branch, a youth member of the infectious disease branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and the infectious diseases of the Fujian Medical Association Member of the Standing Committee of the Branch, a member of the liver disease of the Fujian Provincial Medical Association, and a member of the heavy liver group.

Physician sitting schedule

(Click to see larger picture)

This time, thousands of doctors have a grass -roots clinic at the grassroots level.

High -quality, convenient and effective medical services

Send to the masses

He has sent health and warmth to the general grassroots

Source Gulou Weijian

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