Every interview with Jin Xu, president of the China International Trade Society: Digital economy and cross -border e -commerce will be the highlights and opportunities of Chinese companies

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.07.28

In the first half of this year, China's foreign trade overcame the adverse effects of various factors at home and abroad, showing a strong development momentum.

Related data shows that in the first half of the year, my country's import and export volume increased by 9.4%on the basis of the same period last year. In June, the export and export returned to double -digit growth in the month of June, with a growth rate of 14.3%.

How to evaluate the dazzling performance of foreign trade in the first half of our country? Can the good development momentum of foreign trade in the second half of the year continue? What role does cross -border e -commerce play on our economy? What new opportunities will the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement" take effect on the landing of my country's foreign trade?

With this series of issues, on July 27, a reporter from "Daily Economic News" (hereinafter referred to as NBD) conducted an exclusive interview with Jin Xu, president of the China International Trade Society at the Hainan Consumers Expo.

Photo by Jin Xu every reporter Zhang Huaishui

Talk about cross -border e -commerce: foreign trade enterprises should pay attention to and make good use of

NBD: How do you evaluate the bright performance of foreign trade in our country in the first half of the year?

Jin Xu: Since the beginning of this year, due to the common effects of the epidemic and global inflation, China's consumption and investment have been affected to some extent. However, the situation of China's exports is relatively optimistic. China's exports basically return to the level before the epidemic and show a new momentum. We are very proud of China's foreign trade export and the role of industrial chain.

However, global inflation will definitely have some negative impact on the global economy. We cannot ignore some of our impact on the industrial chain and supply chain. Of course, this is both a challenge and an opportunity. This forces us to accelerate the industrial upgrading and better improve the business environment. At the same time, it has also forced us to formulate some more effective measures in investment promotion, so that foreign capital can stay with peace of mind.

NBD: How do you judge for the foreign trade trend in the second half of the year?

Jin Xu: I think the momentum of China's foreign trade may have a great relationship with China's economic production and the stamina for China's entire economy.

In the first half of this year, foreign trade generally had nearly two -digit growth, which had a lot to do with the structure of foreign trade exports. I hope that the majority of foreign trade companies can better use our flexible market mechanism and the characteristics of enterprises to respond quickly to better use the potential of digital economy and cross -border e -commerce. If this can be done, I believe that China's foreign trade will not be affected by the outside world, and it can continue to continue good development momentum.

NBD: How do you evaluate the role of cross -border e -commerce in my country's foreign trade?

Jin Xu: Cross -border e -commerce should be said to be a very effective new model and new format for China to stimulate consumption internally and foreign trade. Therefore, it is hoped that governments at all levels, especially foreign trade enterprises, should attach importance to the use of cross -border e -commerce methods to make us more in line with the international market.

On the other hand, we must further reduce costs, improve efficiency, and ensure that foreign trade ushered in higher quality improvement. I think that in terms of how the "dual -cycle" is further developed and how to stimulate domestic consumption, my country has introduced a large number of policies and has achieved obvious results.

Talk about RCEP: Give full play to the complementary effect of trade advantages

NBD: On January 1 this year, RCEP (Note: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) officially entered into force. What new opportunities will this bring to my country ’s foreign trade?

Jin Xu: RCEP accounts for about one -third of the world's population, foreign trade, and economic aggregate. Taking ASEAN countries as an example, China and most ASEAN countries have different economic development stages, different economic structures, and their own advantages in the product structure, so they have a good complementary effect.

For example, China's electromechanical products, electronic products, and some traditional finished products have strong advantages; and in terms of agricultural products, mineral products, and finance, I believe that there will be good resources and markets. China should also be in China. Will provide them with better opportunities.

This opportunity is mutual. After nearly 10 years of negotiations with ASEAN countries, we should have a full understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each other and have been fully prepared.

NBD: How do you evaluate the role of the digital economy in promoting economic development?

Jin Xu: The digital economy has performed well before and after the epidemic, and there is a very good uptrend.

In 2019, my country's digital economy added value reached 35.8 trillion yuan, accounting for 36.2%of GDP. This shows that before the epidemic, our digital economy had done a good homework and a better answer sheet.

I believe that in the current environment, global inflation may bring some negative and negative things to the Chinese economy, but digital economy and cross -border e -commerce will still be a highlight and opportunity for Chinese companies. Especially with the advantages of China's complete industrial chain, we have a very obvious and optimistic growth in the ASEAN market and the European Union market, especially the countries along the "Belt and Road".

Daily Economic News

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