Please enjoy!The first aid party in Tibet MP4+GIF+JPG

Author:Tibetan Daily Time:2022.07.28

The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region

Organization Department of the Autonomous Region Party Committee

Co -sponsored

Tibet's first theme party

"Hada Dedicated to You"

At 4 pm today

Let's enjoy the wonderful moments together

17 programs

Bring to the audience

Wonderful audiovisual experience

The party invited CCTV host to be strong

Singers, Hong, Wang Li, Jiang Yang Zhuoma

Singer Zheng Yunlong, Li Qi, Zhou Peng, Tashi Pingcuo

Dancer Soy Doudou

Tibetan young actors Jinmei, Ji Renlam, etc.

Starlight at the scene

For more exciting, please pay attention to the Tibet Daily video number

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