This new profession is officially released

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.07.29

On July 25, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, and the State Statistics Bureau jointly released a new occupation, which included "retired soldiers". This is the first time in China to provide a new occupation to provide service guarantee for retired soldiers. It is also the first occupation to be managed by the Ministry of Retired Military Affairs and included in the national occupation classification system specification.

"Retired soldiers" refers to personnel who are engaged in retired military service centers (stations) engaged in retired military policy consultation, resettlement services, employment and entrepreneurship support, petition reception, rights protection of rights and interests. Their main tasks include the following 6 aspects: one is to organize the ideological and political education related activities of retired soldiers; the other is to accept, review, verify, and report to retired soldiers difficult applications to conduct difficult assistance assistance; third, collect and analyze retired soldiers employment employment employment Entrepreneurship needs, carry out vocational skills education and training and related services for retired soldiers; fourth, reception, handling retired soldiers and other preferential treatment objects to help solve the request of letters and visits. Solving, analyzing and submitting information on the ideological and political, assistance assistance, employment and entrepreneurship support, and rights maintenance of rights and interests of retired soldiers; sixth, to build a card for retired soldiers in the area, normalize the retired soldiers, and conduct visits and condolences.

Since 2019, under the high attention of the central leadership, through the continuous promotion of the departments of the retired military affairs department, the service guarantee system of retired soldiers has been continuously established and improved. At present, 624,000 retired soldiers service centers (stations) have been established nationwide, about 110,000 were implemented, and more than 970,000 professional and part -time workers were equipped with direct services for retired soldiers. In order to incorporate the management of retired soldiers at all levels (station) into the operation management of the national professional qualification system, provide a standardized basis for their career development and treatment guarantee, and the retired military affairs department's ideological, political and rights maintenance department led the "retired soldiers "New occupation".

The release of the new occupation of "retired soldiers" is a full affirmation of the value of this emerging career society at the national level. It will provide the authority of the cultivation and selection of industry talents, open up the channel of career development, promote the service guarantee system for retired soldiers service security systems Building quality improvement and efficiency, and promoting long -term health development is of great significance. First, it is conducive to improving cohesion. Help the retired military service center (station) staff to enhance their confidence in their career, increase their sense of career belonging, and attract more outstanding talents to care and participate in the work of retired soldiers. Secondly, it is conducive to improving the level of work. Promote the professionalization, standardization, and standardization of retired soldiers' service guarantee work, and provide more high -quality and efficient services for retired soldiers. At the same time, it is conducive to building a strong talent team. Help retired soldiers' service guarantee work positions to select and hire the most qualified personnel to achieve the goal of setting up the job, and play a demonstration role in fixed standards and tree benchmarks for practitioners in the industry, and promote the construction of the entire system service guarantee team.

In the next step, the Ministry of Retired Military Affairs will intensify the formulation of professional standards and experts to make professional standards, divide occupational levels, write training materials, standardize the evaluation and evaluation system, and do a good job of basic supporting.

Source: People's Daily Client

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