surprise!There are properties in 24 old communities in Fushan District!

Author:Fuya Fukuyama Time:2022.07.29

On the morning of July 28, the renovation ceremony of the renovation of the red -hearted property in Fushan District was held in the family building of the Fushan District Technical School. As a social capital party initiated by China Resources, Shenzhen Rungao Intelligent Industry Co., Ltd. will take over the reconstruction of the transformed and unrealistic and old communities to carry out smart governance and operation. The construction area of ​​the management and operation of this time is about 180,000 square meters, with a total of 24 old communities.

The old community is a testimony of history, but with the development of society, the backward community infrastructure can no longer meet the needs of residents' daily life. This transformation will effectively solve problems such as lack of community gate gates that citizens have been worried about, lack of correctional monitoring, parking spaces occupying parking spaces, damaged infrastructure, and insufficient cultural and entertainment facilities. Essence

Since 2021, the district committee and district government seized the policy opportunities of the central community to support the transformation of the old community. Transformation, assume the transformation planning and design, construction construction, and management and operation of no property communities in the later period of the old community. Essence In 2021, the reconstruction of 30 communities and 6623 households has been completed. This year, our district continues to transform 59 old communities to benefit 7,525 residents.

The renovation of the old community of Fushan District is the first whole area of ​​social capital participation in the city. This transformation will adopt the management model of large groups and regions. From the perspective of multi -regulation, it will also consider the overall relationship of community space and smart community construction and operation. Starting the problem of anxiety of residents, it is better to meet the requirements of residents in terms of life, entertainment, culture, transportation and other aspects. Make full use of existing resources to integrate and combing, so that community design, construction, operating bars linear and systematic implementation. Strengthen intensive construction management, improve resource allocation and utilization efficiency, ensure the scientific, forward -looking and operability of the overall implementation model, and provide diversified and humanized services for the masses.

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