The ecological environment of Baiyang Dianshui continues to improve

Author:Yan Zhao Evening News Time:2022.07.29

This is a mixed green -headed duck and white -eyed duck in Baiyangdian District (taken on July 22).

In recent years, the Xiong'an New District of Hebei has strengthened the ecological protection and restoration of Baiyangdian. Through systemic ecological governance, the ecological environment of Baiyangdianshui has continued to improve, the function of the "kidney of North China" has been accelerated, the water quality continues to improve, the biodiversity has increased significantly, the ecology is significantly increased, the ecology isEnvironmental governance achieves phased goals.At present, the water level of the Baiyang Dianzun District is maintained at about 7.2 meters, and the area of the sediment area has been restored to about 290 square kilometers. The overall water quality has been increased to the standards of categories III or above, and the national good lakes are entered.Xinhua News Agency reporter Xing Guangli Photo

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