Haiyou New Theory | Digital blessing, Jinan Running to the Future

Author:Jinan Daily Time:2022.07.29

In the past few days, "2022 National Digital Literacy and Skills Improvement Month", "Shandong Province's Nutrition and Skills Enhancement Month", "Jinan City Digital Literacy and Skills Improvement Month", such as the large -scale activities related to digital -related large -scale activities one after another successively. All, all showing digital construction has become an inevitable choice of the times. A session of the number of numbers, the wisdom dialogue again and again, not only shows the new achievements and highlights of Jinan under digital construction, but also ignites the passion of Jinan's future digital construction.

In the author's opinion, the most basic significance of digital construction is to strengthen the economy, benefit the people's livelihood, and promote the energy! Around these three points, Jinan City Ronghui Sharing, Two and Time, and the entire line. Under the number of digital blessings, the digital government continues to improve the digital government. The level of construction is to build a beautiful picture of people's lives. Jinan, the leading running towards a better future!

"Digital Technology" strong economy

Digital technology is of great significance to the development of Jinan's economy. In the context of the current epidemic, the reason why Jinan can still "stabilize" towards a trillion -level industrial strong city, digital technology contributed.

Taking Shandong High -speed Intelligent Transportation Industrial Park as an example, this industrial park, which focuses on technology research and development, mechanical and electrical construction integration, and data operations, is invested and constructed by Shandong High -speed Information Group. It was just put into use last year. It achieved revenue of 1.794 billion yuan and net profit of 182 million yuan. With the support of digital technology, Jinan's manufacturing industry currently accounts for more than 90%of all industries, and the proportion of advanced manufacturing accounted for 60%of the manufacturing industry. In the future, Jinan will continue to take the construction of a strong economic economy and digital pioneering cities. In three years, it will build an advanced manufacturing and digital economy 2 trillion -level industrial highlands.

From Qilu Pharmaceutical's comprehensive strength, ranking among the top ten national pharmaceutical companies, to the market share of Huaxi bio -hyaluronic acid market, the world's first share in the world; starting from "Jinan's National Digital Quality and Skills Improvement Month" to 2022 China Computing Power Conference will be held in Jinan. Jinan is leading the leading strengths, ranking, and few fields with exciting numbers, rankings, and few areas, and they bravely answered the challenge opportunities throwing out in the era of digital economy.

"Digital Government Affairs" benefit people's livelihood

For the people of Quancheng, "Digital Jinan" may be just a not commonly used vocabulary, but when it comes to "online" and "zero legs", everyone is familiar with it. Building an innovative "digital government" and providing convenience and benefits for the work and life of the people is one of the focus of digital Jinan construction.

Nowadays, when entering the Jinan Municipal Government Service Hall, 70%of the "one -window processing" matters can be handled by the bright code, and the public security, human society, provident fund and other businesses realize the "one chapter -through office"; open the mobile phone, the CPPCC and the Jinan Daily Newspaper Industry The "Code Business" jointly developed by the Group as a negotiation platform that does not end the 24 -hour unatta, further unblocking public opinion channels and strengthened the construction of digital government affairs; not long ago, Jinan Shuangzhu Double Quotation "One -click response" cloud platform and "one" one The key response "Quancheng anti -epidemic inquiry hotline is online, using advanced technologies such as 5G, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., and answer questions for the citizens as soon as possible ...

Under the blessing of numbers, the data of various departments in Jinan achieve interconnection, and more and more service matters realize the online handling and "zero -run legs". With the construction of the "digital government" of Jinan, "Digital Jinan" has truly realized the benefits of the people to benefit the people. The "mission", the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the masses are continuously improving!

"Digital Engine" new kinetic energy

Ask Quet to be so clear, for the source of living water. If a small river does not want to dry up, there must be living water to continue to be remitted, and if a city wants to take the vitality often, it will continue to inject new kinetic energy. Especially for Jinan, which is desperate to achieve high -quality development, it is more significant to do a good job in the conversion of new and old kinetic energy. After the determination to eliminate the post -production capacity, who is used for the vast space? How to achieve the traditional kinetic energy "old tree send new buds"? The author believes that digital development is the answer.

In recent years, Jinan City has been anchoring high -end, intelligent, and green development direction, continuously cultivated the new momentum of industrial development, and implemented thousands of technical reforms and "technical reforms" projects to promote the spring mask. , Qilu Pharmaceutical and other major technical reform projects have been implemented, accelerate the construction of 5G pioneering cities and the national industrial Internet demonstration zone, and promote the construction of the "double district" of national artificial intelligence innovation and development ... With the acceleration of this series of digital measures, Jinan Jinan, Jinan It has also achieved a series of bright results: the national Internet backbone direct connection point, the world's first certainty network was completed and opened. 5G base station facilities ... Jinan has ignited the high -quality development powerful engine of the city. Under the number of numbers, we stepped up and broke out a different tomorrow. (Liang Ruxiao)

Edit: Zhang Yu

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