The pediatrician comes to support, and in summer, it can help children strengthen the spleen and stomach

Author:Henan Business News Luoyang Ne Time:2022.07.29

Top News · Henan Business Daily Luoyang Bao Guan Caiqing Correspondent Liu Xiaofei

When Bao Da Bao's mother took the baby to see the doctor, I don't know if I have heard this sentence "mainly caused by the poor spleen and stomach."

As a parent, how can we help children condition the spleen and stomach and reduce the number of children's illness in this season? May wish to listen to what Teng Qimin, director of the pediatric department of Luoyang City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

Auntie Bao's focus! The spleen and stomach are "the source of qi and blood biochemical". Once "spleen and stomach disorders", it is easy to "cause everything." Please collect these small spleen and stomachs!

Parents can do some simple massage before their children sleep, such as "pinching the ridge" and "kneading door", which can help children strengthen the spleen and stomach to digest. Banmen is located in the palm of the palm. Parents can gently rub the child's finger belly to gently rub the child's board at about 300 times, 1-2 times a day.

In the summer, the spleen and stomach should combine the spleen and dampness, clear heat, and clear heat. You can use mung beans, yam, coix seed, lotus seeds and other porridge to drink.

If you want to be a child, you can leave three points of hunger and cold. Remember not to let your child eat too much and wear too thick. Especially this season, it is best not to let children eat food and drinks.

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