Mobilization and deployment meeting of the 24th party style and clean government education monthly activity mobilization deployment meeting was held

Author:Yuntai County Rong Media Cente Time:2022.07.29

(Li Rongzhen) In order to carry out a solid and effectively carrying out the activities of the party style and clean government education, it promotes the development of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, the construction of the party's style and clean government, and the struggle for anti -corruption. Mobly mobilization deployment meeting. The party secretary of the township party, Bai Luning, presided over the meeting and spoke.

The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented the important exposition of the construction of the party's work style and clean government and the fight against corruption, and learned and implemented the specific arrangements of the Bayzhou Party Committee and the Terrace County Party Committee on the twenty -fourth party style and clean government education month. , Persist in the main tone of "strict" for a long time, improve integration to advance the ability and level of dare not rot, be corrupted, do not want to rot, and comprehensively win the fight against corruption.

The meeting conveyed the "Implementation Plan for the Twenty -fourth Party Style and Clean Government Education Month of the Wheel County", and carried out a typical case of a typical case in the typical cases of the "Pazhou Party Members and Cadres seriously violated the law of disciplinary violations and violations of laws and illegal violations of laws and laws, and guided the majority of party members and cadres in our township Deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self -confidence", achieve "two maintenance", and continuously improve the political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.

The meeting requested that the party style and clean government education month activity is a powerful grasp and important carrier for all party members and cadres and public officials to carry out party style and clean government education and promote the transformation of work style. Ensure the various activities of the party style and clean government education in a solid and orderly development, continuously enhance the attractiveness and appeal of party style and clean government education, create a good atmosphere of everyone's concern, support the construction of the party's work style and anti -corruption, and build the Qing Zhengzheng in the park Integrity, high -quality and efficient business environment will welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

The meeting played an important role in enhancing the cultivation of party members and cadres, promoting the transformation of work style, regulating politics, and reducing disciplinary violations. We must be soberly realized that the situation of anti -corruption struggle is still severe and complicated. Strengthen the education of party style and clean government, timely “bite their ears” and remind all party members and cadres in a timely manner, remind the alert, improve the ability of self -purification, self -improvement, self -innovation, and self -improvement.

Source: People's Government

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