Global Line | Thai exhibitors look forward to expanding the market global connection by the Expo | Thai exhibitors look forward to expanding the market

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.07.29

The second Expo, with the theme of "Sharing Open Opportunities and Create a Beautiful Life", was held in Haikou, Hainan from July 25th to 30th. The total area of ​​the exhibition of the current Expo is 100,000 square meters, of which the international exhibition area is 80,000 square meters, and more than 1,600 brands have participated in the exhibition.

In the National Pavilion of Thailand, more than 30 Thai brands gathered in one hall, and exhibits focus on beauty, fashion life and other products. Durian, coffee, snacks and other gourmet drinks from Thai companies are favored by the audience. Thai exhibitors are looking forward to expanding a larger market with the help of the Expo platform.

"We have always been optimistic about China's development prospects. Since the epidemic, although the economy has influenced the stage, it is generally the country with the best development of development after the world. Therefore, the Group's potential for China's consumer goods market is full of confidence . "Said Xue Zengyi, vice chairman of the Chinese and Animal Husbandry Food Enterprises China, said.

Original title: Global Link | Thai exhibitors look forward to expanding the market by the Expo

The second Expo, with the theme of "Sharing Open Opportunities and Create a Beautiful Life", was held in Haikou, Hainan from July 25th to 30th. The total area of ​​the exhibition of the current Expo is 100,000 square meters, of which the international exhibition area is 80,000 square meters, and more than 1,600 brands have participated in the exhibition.

In the National Pavilion of Thailand, more than 30 Thai brands gathered in one hall, and exhibits focus on beauty, fashion life and other products. Durian, coffee, snacks and other gourmet drinks from Thai companies are favored by the audience. Thai exhibitors are looking forward to expanding a larger market with the help of the Expo platform.

"We have always been optimistic about China's development prospects. Since the epidemic, although the economy has influenced the stage, it is generally the country with the best development of development after the world. Therefore, the Group's potential for China's consumer goods market is full of confidence . "Said Xue Zengyi, vice chairman of the Chinese and Animal Husbandry Food Enterprises China, said.

Original title: Global Link | Thai exhibitors look forward to expanding the market by the Expo

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